
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Round 4 of Fair Doily

Row 4 of Purple and Teal Square Doily
Debbie Arnold © 2002

Round four (4) is complete and thankfully went smoothly. Except for the final ring with that blasted final join. It took three tries to get it right.

(Fox be praised! She sent me instructions to understand how to make the final join correctly.) Thank you, Fox!

This motif now measures four inches (10.2 centimeters) from corner to corner. It is tatted in size 40 Lizbeth Linen (color #693) and size 50 Treebeard HDT from LadyShuttleMaker.

The split-ring clovers in round four are why I chose to tat this doily. When I get to round seven (7) you will see a pretty scallop emerge after the second round of split-ring clovers are added. Cas tatted this great example in blue and white in 2005.

Whether or not the scallop stands out in my doily remains to be seen. The ladies from my lace guild think the mossy/linen combo looks elegant and "not at all old-fashioned." What a nice compliment. 

Tatting Tea Tuesday
Brewing up a cuppa green tea Kombucha to settle in for some much needed tatting zen.

It has been melancholy around Silly Hat Central since Saturday, May 1st, after learning of a SCAdian friend's death from lung cancer. The news came as a shock since I hadn't known the lady was ill.

That's all I have to say about that.

Two packages arrived in the mail over the weekend: one from Jane Eborall and another from Jan Stawasz. The first mailer, Jane's, was destroyed in my enthusiasm to get at the contents.

It contained two superb Pop-a-Bobbin shuttles: one made from Iroko and the other from Ash. That brings my greedy total to four Pop-a-bobbin shuttles. Gonna load 'em up for a test drive today!

Jan's mailer included these two shuttles.

Two Jan Stawasz Shuttles

These generously sized beauties are three inches in length (7.6 cm) and 5/8 inch wide (1.5 cm) so they are well suited for larger projects. Gonna give them a go too.

Today I will attempt Dragon in Egg from Heather, the Tarnished Tatter's book, "Afternoon Tatting."

Since I have "geared up" my tatting goals lately, I  am adding tatted wedding hearts to the list, plus a stab at a treble clef. That's a tall order!

Better get tatting . . .

Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful. See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!