
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tatting Tea Tuesday - Tidbits

Today is The Sprout's first day of preschool! We got him up, washed, dressed, fed and out the door without too much of a struggle. His first day is only an hour and a half. Nothing to get too worked up over, though Big Daddy was certain I would cry.

Okay, okay. I started to tear up at the last moment. But only because the teacher's assistant came over and said, "You can leave now if you're ready. No reason to cry."

Of course, then Big Daddy said, "Oh no! You said cry." And sure enough, tears started to well up.

That's sabotage, right?

Tatting Tea Tuesday
Tatting Tea Tuesday is dedicated to tidbits. Small snippets of information that will sort of catch me up enough to focus on one or two more Tat Days posts.

Mojito Mint tea and Pepperidge Farm "Chesapeake" dark chocolate pecan cookies accompany today's post. My shuttles are loaded to continue work on the "summer fun" bookmark that I posted about on June 15. Will I complete it before the first snow falls? 

My homage to the "Ladies of Missalonghi" from August 24 isn't far enough along to photograph either. But the butterfly cakes were delicious. 

Fifteen seconds of fame?
Have you seen the Sept./Oct. 2010 issue of Piecework magazine? It was the topic of my August 20 post.

An article on page 46, entitled "A Tray Cloth to Hemstitch" includes a lovely vintage tatted edging. But there is no mention of how to tat the lace should someone wish to recreate the tray cloth.

A side bar on how to miter a corner as well as a how-to diagram for antique hemstitching are included. For the tatting all it says is: "Handsew the lace around the edge of the tray cloth. Steam-press."

So I emailed the editors to share a source for the vintage tatted edging.

The pattern may also appear in other sources, but the one I had on my reference shelf was from a reprint of Butterick's Tatting and Netting, 1896 (New York).

Wouldn't you know? I got a nice note back asking for permission to print my email in a future issue of the magazine's "By Post" column. How cool is that?

Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful. See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Motif #15 - Broomstick Tatted Bookmark

Broomstick Tatted Bookmark
© 2010 Martha Ess

Time to show off my second completed project from Palmetto Tat Days 2010!

Isn't this bookmark just so for finishing up your late summer beach reading?

It is tatted in Lizbeth 20 #125 Seascape and measures 5 inches (12.7 cm) long by 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide. It will count as motif #15 for my 25 motif challenge.

This bookmark would look terrific in bold, peacock colors, transitional or monochromatic colors, rich gem tones or even soft pastels.

Two solid colors would also give it striking dramatic appeal. Bling is an option for folks who know how to add beads into the center of rings.

The good patterns are always this way, aren't they? Versatile. Timeless.

Martha, thank you for sharing this great lace bookmark!

Swept Off My Feet
Sometimes all it takes is a passing glance. Sometimes more. Serendipity lent a hand in my latest infatuation — broomstick lace.

In August I signed up to take Martha Ess' bookmark class at Palmetto Tat Days. Mid-month, broomstick lace crochet was demonstrated at the county fair. By September 1st I was swept up in broomstick lace love.

First six rows of Broomstick (Jiffy) Lace Scarf

Segue: Two Types of Tatters
Learning new techniques is a big part of my motivation behind and passion for tatting. Those of you who are production tatters may not understand this. You thrive on finishing projects.

A production tatter doesn't have UFOs. They must finish one project before starting another.

Technique tatters thrive on learning new techniques and have been known to switch gears mid-stream or set aside a project to start another one.

When my first attempt at the broomstick tatted bookmark went awry (image below), I switched to broomstick crochet.

The broomstick crochet kept me focused on the technique while I muddled through options of weaving in the extra-long picots on the Bali sample. I was playing around with weaving the picots of ring one and ring two through each other and then applying the swirl join at the top (ring 2 picots would travel over to become ring 1 swirl join and vice verse...) when fate stepped in.

First Serendipity, Then Fate 
One day The Sprout decided to "make laces" with mommy's shuttle and a snap was heard that struck fear into my lace-lovin' heart. He had been swinging the lace over his head like a flail and the cord snapped, sending the shuttle and lace flying across the room.

The lesson learned (aside from the deep well of patience that kept the boy alive) is that three-cord threads aren't as strong as six-cords threads.

Yes! I actually tested that theory and allowed The Sprout to repeat his flail test. Twice. The six-cord thread held through both flail trials. And The Sprout had a great time helping mommy. The finished bookmark was the six-cord flail test cotton!

Now you know that six-cord threads are Destruct-O Boy approved for all your tatting needs. ツ