
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bug Gets the Boot and More

The green cloud has lifted and thanks to good drugs, hand washing and TLC, we are all feeling much better.

Instead of purging the house of the last lurking vestiges of germs or finishing up the last few unsent holiday cards, I decided to write a blog post.

That was this morning.

It is now 7:44 p.m. and this post has fought me like a cornered wild animal. Time to put The Sprout to bed and pop in tonight's Redbox rental, Inception.

I'll try again tomorrow.

Holiday Recap
Santa was good to me this year! I received four new shuttles and four free balls of Lizbeth Peacock Blues thread. Two Dresden Files novels, and iPad gadgetry.

Two of the new shuttles are included in the tatting photo below.

Nutmeg the Christmas Camel almost done.

More details after I finish, but doesn't the almost-camel look splendid in Tatskool's Nutmeg HDT?

Check out the shuttles. These beauties were hand-crafted by Georgia Seitz and her husband.

Georgia applied "leafy" origami paper over whitewashed wood for a lightweight, well-balanced shuttle I just don't want to put down. Hand-marbled paper is applied to the "surf board" shuttle for an even more gorgeous look.

Both are great shuttles that make tatting even more pleasurable. I will use these again and again. Can't thank you enough, Georgia!

More Shuttles, Treat Mints and a Teapot
I swear, CiarrĂ¡n has been such a poseur lately. Look at him lounging over the adorable teapot I received from Sw4nkyL4c3r. Must be the effect of having Miss Scarlet and Fergal comfortably close since September.

The scuffle of leprechaun boots and orderly habits of Miss Scarlet have been a joyous addition to the house. But sadly, in a few days it will be time to bid our guests farewell and safe journey. Maybe then I will be able to sit down, organize my thoughts and share details of their stay.