
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fifteen Seconds of Fame?

Last September, my Tatting Tea Tuesday - Tidbits post announced a future 15 seconds of fame.

It came! It came!
My 15 seconds of fame...

A complimentary copy of the March/April 2011 issue of Piecework magazine arrived in today's mail.

In the "By Post" column (page 4) is my Letter to the Editor regarding the tatted edging shown in "A Tray Cloth to Hemstitch" (September/October 2010).

Georgia Seitz's web site is cited as a source for the edging pattern. It is to be found here:

"Butterick's Tatting & Netting" 1896
Tatting & Netting, Part 1 (page 24 of 40)

Seeing one's name in print is strangely surreal. (Squee!)

The March/April 2011 issue hits newsstands March 8th.

This issue contains NO TATTING, but it is filled to bursting with rich, vibrant color!

Read on for today's Tatting Tea Tuesday post.

Tatting Tea Tuesday - Edging toward Spring

Happy Tatting Tea Tuesday on this first day of March. Were you able tat at IHOP this morning?

Long lines stretched out the door of my local IHOP.
Folks in my area must really like free pancakes.

I wanted to tat at IHOP, but sadly came home to paint. I haven't finished painting 180 craft sticks that must be done by March 5th for the lace guild.

Painting hasn't kept me from my shuttles entirely. This week I have been test tatting two new patterns for CrazyMom, plus breaking in four new Pony shuttles.

CrazyMom's patterns must be kept top secret for now, but here is what has been reeling off the (new to me) Aero-style shuttles.

Nelson Edging © 2011
Design by Orsi (part of her Napoleon series)

Both samples are 3-inches (7.6 cm) long. The first is tatted in size 30 Bali HDT by Backwoods Tatter. The second sample is tatted in size 40 Lizbeth® #663.

Don't they look grand? The Lizbeth® is a trifle more crisp than the Bali HDT; the difference only showing up when closing the Josephine Rings.

Thank you, Orsi, for sharing this superb edging on your blog. The whole Napoleon series is stately and elegant. Your patterns are exquisite!

Meandering Vine
More inspiration comes from Lace-lovin Librarian ~ Diane, who has been test-tatting an edging for her sister. Her process fanned the edging spark in me.

Edging #8861 from Tatting No. 207, 1944

Meandering vine #8861 was her sister's chosen edging. (Hey, I have that book too! Tatting. Published by The Spool Cotton Company No. 207, 1944.)

The clustered rings that make up this flowery pattern have always looked like butterflies to me. So pretty.

Watch for a color edging using #8861 to come soon. In the meantime, head on over to Diane's blog to monitor her progress or enter her Spring Bling Giveaway!

Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful. See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!