
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kokeshi & More

Knit Kokeshi Doll by Igoya

My twin sister Igoya is so talented. She knit this sweet little doll for a friend who recently had her first child and asked permission to name the baby after her daughter.

Igoya's Kokeshi doll still needs a few facial details, but even without a pouty mouth, two dark eyes and a hint of blush on her cheeks, she's just too cute.

Here is a link to a lovely Kokeshi Doll-shaped Card download. (Sorry, it's not free.)

Hanky from LLL Diane's Giveaway
with Ciarrán and canine pals

Scalloped Hanky
This delicately scalloped, wildflower-embroidered handkerchief was a gift from Lace-lovin' Librarian Diane. It arrived on May 24th. I have been horribly remiss in posting the photos. This may sound odd, but each time I pick it up I want to go pick wildflowers. Thank you for this sweet inspiration, Diane!

Ciarrán brought both crazy salt shakers into the picture this time. That lep is one incorrigible (and adorable) attention hound. Could it have anything to do with me saying that men who keep pets attract women? (Hmmm, I may be onto something.)

♥ from Postie
Yesterday my mail carrier slipped a fat, padded envelope inside my storm door from CrazyMom. Just look at all the goodies she sent!

See that heart-shaped basket? See the size 15/0 Miyuki Rocailles in two to-die-for colors? See all that thread? Two crisply starched hankies? Shuttle bling paper? The plump, pink pig with googly eyes? (Googly eyes are very popular with The Sprout.) AND a tin? Here is what I found inside the tin.

Contents of Mint Tin

One more treasure was packed in this trove of goodies - a music mix CD for The Sprout. It has been playing almost nonstop since yesterday. Lots and lots of songs a four-year-old can love!

Last night he particularly identified with track 15 - Mama's Soup Surprise by Bruce Springsteen. I found myself singing along with "The Marvelous Toy" by Peter, Paul & Mary. But the one that got stuck in my head and won't come out is "Ha Ha This a Way" by Leadbelly. Thanks for all the catchy songs, CrazyMom!

As for tea, I'm sipping Jack Frost - a caffeine-free herbal blend of African red bush, vanilla, peppermint and spearmint. Hoping it will help dispel the sweltering heat and humidity that plagues my corner of Tat Land.

Stay cool in your corner(s) of Tat Land. Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful. See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!