
Friday, April 1, 2011

ITD Gets Noticed

Word is getting out about International Tatting Day!

Holiday Insights has the most accurate info.

National Whatever Day spotlights three events today, ITD being at the top of the list.

The Ultimate Holiday Site takes a more tongue-in-cheek approach, winning the prize for Most Frequent Use of the Word Doily in a listing.

Gone-ta-Pott actually has the most comprehensive listing, though some of its data is vague or incorrect. They certainly get an A+ for effort.

Thank you ALL for helping us spread the word about our very special day!


Wishing you all a fun-filled ITD!

If this is your first time celebrating, here are a few suggestions to get you started, courtesy of Marty McCarthy:

International Tatting Day
1. Eat all the chocolate you desire.
2. Wear a little tatting and tell everyone you meet about tatting
3. Tat only for yourself, only what YOU want to tat
4. Remember (or Honor) the tatters who have gone before you and contributed so much to our art.

And by all means, you can send cards.

Photo reprinted with permission
©2010 Paris Breakfasts

Chocolate Fish (Poisson d'Avril)
For the past three years, I have written about why I tat with a flat, fish-shaped shuttle on April 1st.

I will spare you a rehash. But if it is your first time or you are curious, here's a great primer from Carol Gillott, author of Paris Breakfasts: Poisson d'Avril!

Carol's posts are always chock-full of gorgeous photos and this one is dedicated to seafood, silly pranks and chocolate fish.

A Giveaway - No Foolin'
In spite of the progress we have achieved, many tatters still don't know about our special day.

So in the interest of getting the word out far and wide, I am having another giveaway!

Here's what you need to do to get score one of two ITD prizes!

1. Attend the Online Tatting Class special session at either 3PM or 8:30PM ET (New York time).

2. Participate in the activites to qualify to win.

Two Online Tatting Class winners will receive by mail directly from me (in addition to whatever Georgia Seitz has in store) a chocolate fish and a blinged Clover shuttle. (sample shuttle image below)

Everyone who attends the Online Tatting Class will receive a freebie PDF with instructions to make your own flat shuttle template.

Why not use it to create and bling a flat shuttle for yourself or a new tatting friend?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Step Forward, Snow Step Back

This past week Spring began bursting out all over.

First blooms of Spring

Mid-week the trees were bud-heavy, but before you could say "Bob's your uncle" they looked like this.

March on springtime!

Wouldn't you know? Sunday morning dawned with a dusting of snow covering those delicate pink petals. Thankfully, by noon it had all melted away.

Spring Bling Pink Prep
White stuff got me off my duff to bring some Spring indoors. Putting pink blossoms on my shuttles is my bling-erific goal.

So far I have painted one pink Clover white and am ready to apply the first coat of Mod Podge and flowery napkin.

AUGH! Had to stop to deal with family matters. In this instance it was the breakdown of the car. The mechanic says that it needs a new fuel pump (costing $1,000) and Big Daddy doesn't want to put that much money into it. He prefers to spend that money for a down payment on a replacement vehicle. So we're off to Carmax to shop for mini-vans.

Like Spring, my progress seems to be of the "one step forward, two steps back" variety. Shuttle will have to wait. For now.