
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Corner to Call My Own

A new (used) chair
Silly Hat Central has a new (used) chair and, before the two hounds get any ideas, I have claimed it for my new tatting corner.  (So there, hounds.)

You see, this is what the hounds did to the previous chair that sat in this corner. Bad dogs!

Julie Beagle on a shredded chair cushion
The new chair is comfy and sits next to a big front window. The heating vent underneath will warm my toes and (so say the hounds) keep my tushy toasty.   

The black floor lamp will most certainly be swapped out for an OttLite® and the side table nook will soon overflow with threads, tools and pattern pages. (Sorry, Bad Piggie.)

A good spot in which to tat while waiting for the season's first snowflakes, don't you think?