
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tatting Tea Tuesday

It’s time for another Tatting Tea Tuesday!

As the mercury edges ever closer to the HOT setting on Silly Hat Central's ther-mom-meter, summer in suburbia remains mostly pleasant and comfortable. Very nice for tea and tatting.

So I settled in with a mug of decaf chocolate chai/chocolate raspberry bliss tea* and set about tatting a simple split ring edging.

Wanting to use up the last bits of yellow on a shuttle, I tied it together with some cheap crochet cotton in ecru. A trefoil emerged, followed by a split ring.

My test complete, it was time to switch to the Tiny Round Teapot and work the folded split ring. But the edging kept calling me back.

You see my grandmother (the lady who taught me to tat) turns 101 next month. Since I told her about Tatting Tea Tuesday a few days ago, her fingers have been working an imaginary shuttle and thread. She says she's tatting an edging.

Gran never learned how to make a split ring, split chain, SSSR, SCMR or any of the "double core" techniques. She would love them! It is so great to know that she is tatting along with me in support of TTT. I am glad we can share it together.

* Wouldn't Tatskool's luscious Raspberry & Chocolate Mousse or Lady ShuttleMaker's delicious Raspberry Mousse 20 enhance this edging? Those ladies make it so easy to rationalize a hand-dyed thread purchase! (No, they didn't pay me.)

UPDATE: I just bought 2 hanks of Raspberry & Chocolate Mousse in size 40. My psyche had an obvious medical need for it. Medical crisis averted. Now I have a moral imperative to tat something with this lovely, lovely thread.

Truth be told, what I really wanted was 1 hank of R&CM and 1 of Raspberry Ripple with Real Vanilla, but rumor has it that the last 2 hanks in size 40 were just mailed off to Michigan today.

So if you are reading this in Michigan and would be
willing to trade 1 Raspberry and Chocolate Mousse for 1 Raspberry Ripple and Real Vanilla, please contact me.

Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful. See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!


  1. Nice edging! I agree that all of those colors you mentioned would look very nice tatted up in this edging! :)

  2. What a wonderful connection to your Grandmother! I'm sure she would like these 'new' techniques.

  3. Ha, Ha! what a joker she is!! Ok,lady in Michigan you can relax, I have just come out of holiday mode and made Raspberry Ripple with Real Vanilla for her in Spades!! Well I had to didn't I!!

  4. YAY! Hurray! Thank you, Tatskool for squeezing this dying project into your busy schedule!

    I'm so pleased, but also feeling guilty to make you come out of holiday mode. (Who wouldn't want to extend holiday mode as long as possible?)

  5. Oh, and for the record, I didn't think I'd hear from that tatter in Michigan. What are the chances that she reads my blog?

    (Lady in you?) Just wondering. :-)
