
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tatting Tea Tuesday - Birthday Edition

(Click on the photo to enlarge.)

It's time for another Tatting Tea Tuesday!

That's my favorite teapot in the photo. I bought it at a "boot sale" during my first visit to the UK. It's not fancy, just my favorite. In it is steeping a lush blend of Rooibos Earl Grey and a fragrant, fruity herbal that I save for special occasions. The aroma is pure heaven.

This auspicious day calls for tea and layer cake all around.

What? That's not enough? You need more to feel like you're getting your blog stop's worth?

Okay, how about a sexy Lil' Black Border pattern?

(Click on the photo for a larger view.)

CAVEAT: I have not been able to find this pattern online or in my fairly extensive library of tatting books, magazine articles or Workbasket magazines.

I will remove the pattern immediately upon request, providing the person or organization supplies proof of rights and the pattern's original source.

(Click on the photo for a larger image.)

It is tatted in a fine, size 70 thread. Not sure which brand, since the spool label is missing. It would look lovely as a sleeve accent or around a camisole neckline and hem. I've always envisioned this with lingerie. After reading TattingChic's post about tatting like an Egyptian, I can also see a pyramid! The possibilities are endless.

Can you believe there will be a solar eclipse today? A celestial gift! I won't be able to see it, but maybe you will in your corner of tat land.

Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful.
See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!


  1. Happy Birthday to you!
    Your tatting is lovely!

  2. Love the teapot! Wish you were tatting when we were roomies, perhaps I could have convinced you to part with some of it.

    It's lovely Karen.

  3. The teapot is lovely and the tea sounds wonderful and strange, I drink rooibos all the time, like it best with vanilla (Oh no vanilla again!) honest. Never heard of your combination.

    The edging is lovely, not seen it before, must save the pattern. Thanks.

  4. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day. Thanks for sharing the edging pattern.

  5. TattingChic, Charlottesal, Tatskool and JB:

    Thank you so much for your wonderful and uplifting comments RE: my favorite teapot as well as the pink & white tatted edging.

    The pattern for the edging is an oldie but a goodie! Will have to pore over my tatting books from the 1940s and earlier to find it for you...

    As for the tea combination, I mixed two teas from my tea cupboard. That is why it sounded so strange. The taste was divine, even without the vanilla. But I must try some with vanilla soon.

    Thank you all again for your lovely wishes and thoughts on the day. It was even more special because of your visit.

  6. Happy Birthday! Hope it was special!! I agree, the teapot is lovely!!

    Your little black edging is very pretty. Thank you for sharing the pattern!

    I haven't updated my blog in awhile, I have tatted on Tuesdays, I have to take pictures of it and post it soon.

    Happy Tatting!

  7. Carol,
    Thank you for the birthday wishes! Can you believe we're still feasting on birthday cake here at Silly Hat Central? Yummy chocolate cake.

    I do check your blog regularly and look forward to new posts, but please don't feel guilty about not posting samples from your Tatting Tea Tuesday endeavors. I am thrilled and honored to have you tatting along.

  8. Happy Belated!
    For your present, I have found the instructions you wanted. I cannot post them (copyright) but I can mail you the page I have copied and put in an envelope, awaiting your address! This MIGHT help you. It does it for me - but we all are so different! Such a wide variety of learning modes!
    You can find my e-mail on my profile page - when you are ready! Fox : ))

    ps Thanks for this sweet little border. I haven't seen it before either. : )
