
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Coffee, Tea or ...Diet Coke n' Chocolate?

Late night blog crawling on a Wednesday night found me at the lovely Krystal Dawn Tats page. Where I saw her early August post about Tatting Coffee Thursday.

Oh, ha, ha, ha! I love all the comments about tatting with a different drink of choice for each day of the week! You guys rock!

Whether it's coffee Thursdays, Diet Coke n' Chocolate Saturdays or whatever else trips your fancy, it's all good!

If you do another tatting coffee Thursday, Krystle, please let me know so I can join in. That goes for Diet Coke n' Chocolate Saturdays too, TattingChic! Although I'd have to make mine a caffeine-free Diet Coke and add a splash of lime.

See, we all put our personal spins on things. And Ladytats, you are absolutely right about one thing -- as long as you include some chocolate, no one cares if it is tea or coffee or Irish coffee or Irish hot chocolate or Diet Coke or . . . martinis?

Image reprinted with permission
Copyright © 2009 Karen Sloan

Anyone up for Tatting Martini Mondays? (See it there, on the end table, next to that comfy chair?)

Why yes, there is a story that goes along with this wild and crazy idea.

Last October a bunch o' the gals got together to decorate haunted gingerbread houses and we broke out the martini glasses. Hoo-boy! Did we ever get silly! And sweet mercy, the hangover I had the next day. Ouch! I would have suggested chocolate martinis, but we don't have a day of the week with a CH sound in it. More's the pity.

Since I have strayed into Halloween-ish territory with my martini tangent, I wanted to leave you with battatter's fiendishly clever 3D haunted house. But I can't seem to find a link to a photo anywhere online. Blarg and bother! I know I have seen it.

UPDATE: Thank you, batatter, for sending over the image.

FYI--for anyone who is still reading, if you want to see more photos of this awesome 3D tatted haunted house, go to batatter's blog and type either "haunted house" or "boo" in the search field.

As for Martini Mondays, even I have to admit martinis are a bit hardcore. Just imagine all the wonky knots that would result from a "3-martini tat!"


  1. LOL! I can't tat well enough to add martinis. (Yet.) I love everyone's personal spin on things too - the more unique, the better. How about Tattered Wine Wednesdays?

    And I like your idea about turning my simple design from the design-tat class it into a heart. Another thing I will have to try when time permits!

  2. Sounds fantastic! I especially like Tattered Wine Wednesdays!! Count me in~!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Eureka! Now why didn't I think of Tattered Wine Wednesdays?

    Happy Bluebird, you're brilliant! And of course your idea is much more well-suited to tatting.

    Can't wait to see a Tattered Wine Wednesday post turn up!

    Pairing the right wine with the right chocolate is a match made in heaven! See this link for tips:

    This is the post that Carol's Haunted house is in but you can't see it close up.

    Tattered Wine Wednesday? Sounds good to me. Actually, I have a blog I haven't put much in and/or published named the Tipsy Tea Tatter or something like that. It's meant to focus on tea but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

  6. Gina, thanks for the link!

    And as for your "not quite ready for prime time" blog project, I can't wait to add it to my must-read list.

    In the meantime, let's all raise a glass of the (grape) vine and toast good friends as well as tatting successes!

  7. I did manage some tatting this tuesday. With chocolate milk.

  8. Krystle, that's fanta-bulous! I admit that I do like drinking chocolate milk anytime, but particularly when I'm tatting with creamy, wonderful HDT.

    Thanks for joining in Tatting Tea Tuesday!

  9. Tatting with wine and martinis may create lots of mistakes but you won't care!!
    You are all too, too funny.
