
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

End of Summer Blues?

#151 Merry Strawberries
Image reprinted with permission
Copyright © 2009 Carol Gillott

We all hate to see the lazy days of summer come to an end, don't we? I'm no exception. As August heat gives way to cooler breezes and geese trek across the skies, it is getting harder to ignore the unavoidable truth - Autumn is around the corner.

But before Fall's dazzling foliage, pumpkins and hayrides take over the landscape, I want to bask in the illusion of Indian summer.

Tatting Tea Tuesday pays tribute to everyone who, like me, is in denial about the end of summer. All hail its glorious last days!

Basic Strawberry Heart © 2003 Birgit Phelps
(Celtic-style Top to come later)

As I settle in with a cup of strawberry herbal tea, I pull out some Coats & Clarks "boilfast" size 70 tatting cotton in a perfectly ripe, juicy red.

Another of my flea market finds, it came in a 12-inch metal tin that was filled with partial spools of vintage tatting thread. Apparently they had been stashed away for a rainy day, then sold at auction.

What better way to honor summer's last hurrah than with a symbol of its bounty? My freezer is filled with juicy strawberries fresh-picked in May so we can
enjoy mouthfuls of sunshine all winter long.

I'm making two of these strawberry hearts for a special Teapot Tuesday project I have been keeping mum about for awhile now. More on that later.

This bitty berry project would be done except that the only green cotton I have is either size 80 in a pale, mint green or size 20 Manuela in a dark, Hunter green.

So I await the arrival of a size 80 Christmas green from Handy Hands. It should arrive by parcel post later in the week.

Once the Celtic-style tops are done I will post again and share the surprise that Mothermark over at This is My Story has in store. I'm so excited about it and can't wait to share it with you!

But my part in this project has had to simmer on a back burner while I focus on the lessons for the Design-Tat class. Mothermark waits patiently, but I figured I had better send her something before summer was well and gone.

You, however, won't have to wait longer than Halloween (October 30th) for news of our awesome little collaborative tea project.

In the meantime, revel in the glorious pseudo-summer days that remain and prepare for Autumn's splendor.

Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful.
See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!


  1. Ha! Can't wait to see what you are up to!

  2. Me too! I am looking forward to that post.

    Thanks for posting that heart. It is very pretty. I've not seen that one and I love it!
    I'm such a sucker for heart patterns!
    Fox : )

  3. Gina and Fox,

    It has been so hard not to tell you all about the collaboration idea Mothermark suggested. I am thrilled that she asked me to work with her. Because, seriously, have you seen her Teapot Tuesday creations? And she does something different nearly every day of the week! That's super talent, by gum!

    As soon as the fruits of our labors becomes public knowledge, I will be shouting from the rooftops for all to see!

  4. Hee! hee! Giggle! Giggle!

    Its so cool! Awesome for sure....this is gonna be fun! You go girl...and don't worry bout' nuttin'! Take your time.......we all have other commitments....

    I am taking a little leave of absence from my blog and Teapot Tuesday right now too!

    Hugs girlfriend!


  5. I forgot to say how awesome the strawberry is! You rock!

  6. *blushes* Aw, thanks Mothermark! Just wait until the bitty berries have their wee green tops on.
