
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fractured Quotes:

Pumpkin Vine Edging by Heidi Sunday

Maybe it's the Autumn chill in the air. Or all the giveaway energy buzzing around Tat Land lately.

Maybe it's just a wild hair.

Whatever it is, today I feel a bit knot-TEA.

So I'm having a Knot-Tea Parody contest and GIVEAWAY!

Here are the rules:

1. Open your favorite web browser and search for tea quotes. (You could also enjoy a leisurely browse through the library or your personal stash of tea books if you prefer. I'm not picky.)

Lewis Carroll took a children's rhyme and bent it to his silly whim:

“Twinkle, twinkle little bat. How I wonder what you're at! Up above the world you fly, Like a tea-tray in the sky” ~ Lewis Carroll

2. Alter it so that it reflects tea and tatting. The word tatting (or one of its common variants) must appear in the altered quote. Something like this:

“Twinkle, twinkle little tat. Worked into a table mat. Lacy knots line up so fine, Making tea-time small talk shine.” ~ IsDihara (based upon a quote by Lewis Carroll)

3. Change author's name to your screen name & post your fractured quote in the comments below. (You may list the source quote and author as a clickable link.)

4. The cut-off date for submitting your entry is midnight on Monday, October 12, 2009, Eastern Standard Time. Winner will be announced on Tuesday, October 13th.

5. That's it!

Yes, you have to work a tiny bit harder than just writing a comment. Follow Mary ("practically perfect in every way") Poppins' advice:

Want another chance to win?
If you post about this giveaway on your blog you qualify for a second entry.

Be sure to add a (2) to your comment below, just like in TattingChic's Mondo Monday Giveaway. Kindly include a clickable link or with the name of your blog so I may verify your entry. Once verified, you will be added to my giveaway spreadsheet a second time.

Winner will be chosen via random number generator.

Winner will receive a quilted ball ornament decorated with tatting. Here is a link to a page with several colorful examples of quilted ball ornaments (none with tatting on them).

Here are the fat quarters I picked out for the ball ornament. The Pumpkin Vine Edging will be used to trim the ball. Only three fabrics will be used for the ornament, but I left the color field open wide. The only color I forgot was Frankenstein monster green. Hee, hee!

So have all the fun you want. (Especially you punsters!) Good luck.

Thanks for being knot-tea with me and fracturing a quote along the way!

See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea. Mwah-hah-hah-hah!


  1. If that ain't the cutest edging I have ever seen! I just found it on Georgia's site and had to print it out immediately. I love it!

    A giveaway, you say? I'll have to think on this one a bit(over a spot of tea and a scone, of course) to see if I can't come up with something witty.

  2. Hi there, I probably won't be entering your darling giveaway, since I'm not a big tea fan (no offense), BUT I will say this:

    "Diet Coke is the Nectar of the Gods"

    Hee hee!

    Anyway, the real reason I stopped by to comment was that I ♥♥♥ the pumpkin vine edging! Thank you for the link! I have added that link to my "Tatting Patterns I'm Gonna Tat" link list! You're simply fabulous!

  3. This reminds me that I have several inches of that pumpkin edging in process. I was meant to decorate an Autumn tea towel for my daughter. i started it while in Australia and somehow have not gotten back to it! I just saw it not very long ago on my sewing table!

  4. OMG the quilted balls are fabulous...I want to win one!!!

    "Ecstasy is a glass full of tea and a tatting shuttle filled with Hand Dyed Thread" Tatskool (based on a quote by Alexander Pushkin)

    I will be back for a second try.

  5. I have just posted about this on my blog...please make me a (2).

  6. No Tatting Tonight / New Lacy Nature
    The Guess Tat (

    Lonely pattern deep inside
    Find a couch where I can hide
    Silent shuttles crowdin' me
    Sudden chains, but I have tea

    No tatting tonight in my coffee
    No tatting tonight in my tea
    No tatting to stand beside me
    No tatting to run with me

    tat-un-do-tat tat da-un-do-tat
    tat-un-do-tat tat no no
    tat-un-do-tat tat da-un-do-tat
    tat-un-do-tat tat

    I also posted about this giveaway on my blog.

  7. “I am so fond of tatting that I could write a whole dissertation on its virtues. It comforts and enlivens without the risks attendant on spirituous liquors. Gentle shuttle! Let the hand dyed thread yield to thee. Thy soft influence is a more safe inspirer of social joy." ~ The Crazy Mom (apologies to James Boswell)

  8. “Tea and tatting – Mmmmm, two of life’s exquisite pleasures that together bring near-bliss” tattrldy (mis-quoted from Christine Hanrahan)

  9. Hey diddle duddle, the cat and the shuttle
    Tatting all over the room
    The little dog sipped on honey and tea
    And wrapped all the knots on a spoon

  10. I'm never good in writing, but I'll try. I have posted about this fun giveaway on my blog, please make me a (2) too.

    It's raining, it's pouring,
    The lady is tatting;
    She took out a pot
    And made some tea
    And couldn't wait to go back to tatting.


  11. that Monday (which is the 12th) or Sunday (which is the 11th)? I'm hoping it's Monday. :)

    My fractured quote comes from Charles Schulz who wrote "Happiness is a Warm Puppy" and "Security is a Thumb and a Blanket":

    Happiness is a Warm Cup of tea, Security is a shuttle.

  12. Marty, the deadline is Monday, the 12th at midnight. Winner to be announced Tuesday, the 13th. So your entry made it in before the deadline.
    Good luck!

  13. WOW! Thank you to all who participated.

    The entries were VERY creative and inspired! Can you believe I've had a certain 70s tune stuck in my head all week? LOL!

    Stay tuned, results to be posted in a few hours.
