
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Something Witchy is Brewing

This past week a package of HDT arrived from Lady ShuttleMaker.

Doesn't this colorway just leap off the screen? I love, love, love the witchy progression of orange to yellow to green, back to yellow to orange and finally to purple.

This is a colorway that I have wanted for well over a year. Mind you, Tatskool's Bracken Crunch was pre-loaded CTM onto two shuttles, ready to work on this pattern and another set of loaded shuttles ready to test tat one of her lovely motifs from the Design_Tat course. But the call was too strong. It was the call of size 20 Witches Brew!

The pattern comes from page 53 of Georgia Seitz's pattern book, "Tatting on the Edge...and Beyond." It was first published in "Tatting Knots and Notes," a newsletter edited by Doretha Albee. The pattern is called "Doretha's Teardrop Edging."

So I must beg forgiveness from Tatskool for bumping her scrumptious thread and motif to play with this seasonal skein. The fun, Halloween colors just begged to be tatted into something fun in the days preceding All Hallow's Eve.

As it turns out, I didn't complete this doily any way.

All day Friday I was learning how to make bobbin lace.

My 1st Practice Piece
(linen stitch and half stitch)

This is the end result of my first lesson in Torchon. (Second lesson happens this coming Friday.) This practice piece looked a lot better while it was still pinned to the pillow. Clearly I need to learn the best way to remove the pins and free the lace...

But back to Doretha's Teardrop Edging. The pattern repeats 12 times before joining back to the starting point. Each repeat forms a small, rounded wedge that would make lovely beaded earrings or 3D flower petals.

It is late and my eyes have gotten heavy, so I must stop here for now. Watch for progress in a post to come. Happy Halloween to all. And to all, a good night!


  1. I don't get into Halloween, but I do adore Sherry's Halloween color schemes! Pretty tatting!

  2. Thanks, Diane!

    I just love this colorway. Note to self: must beg and plead for some in size 40 or 50.

    Size 20 photographs the best, but I can't help liking slightly finer threads.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That thread is scrumptious!

    I have to restrain my Dr Strangelove purchasing hand from grabbing for the keyboard..... Love it!

    That lacework makes my head hurt.. I wonder if, in the future, I will have a hankering to experiment with 'real lace making'!
    Fox : )

  5. Like Diane, I don't get into Halloween, either, but that colorway is very colorful! Glad you are enjoying tatting it up! I think that makes such a big difference when we're excited about the color we are tatting with.

  6. The colors are surely leaping out of the screen!
    Lovely tatting.

  7. The thread is delightful, I want all of them, enough for several lifetimes of tatting.
    Like the pattern too.
    All is forgiven!

  8. IsDihara - Love the tea cupboard. One of my weaknesses - a good cup of tea. Combine that with tatting and I am on cloud nine!!
    Love the Witches Brew thread too. Lovely color combo.
    The Doretha doily is very pretty. One I would love to do myself.
    Your work is beautiful and so neat and even. Love looking at it.
