
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Split Chain Success!

Popping online to share a tatting success — I have finally conquered split chains!

Five years ago I learned how to make split rings an have become quite fond of them. But I have avoided split chains. That is, until a split chain was the only way I could tat myself out of a designing jam.

Remember these SweetHearts?

The colorful one on the left is in the process of getting an additional round. Can I just say, this HDT rocks!

And can you believe that it took me three days to figure out the split chain technique? Three exasperating days!

And I was following this excellent PDF tutorial:

The problem was working the stitches right-handed. I'm naturally left-handed and haven't tatted anything right-handed in oh, around 10 years. Awkwardness really slowed me down. But I got it.

Clever scrutinizers will notice the imbalanced threads. Round 1 uses size 20 cotton throughout, while round 2 uses size 40 in color Rainbow Bright HDT by Tatskool and size 20 in a deep purple-to-white variegated from Flora. The split chain really accentuates it.

In spite of the imbalance, I am forging ahead as a test tat of round two. The thread is such a dream to work with and the colorway too lovely to waste.

Better brush up on my right-handed tatting though, or else this blogger will be Ambitatterous no more! Can't have that now, can we?


  1. Congratulations on your split chains!!! Dear Marie - such a clever lass. I always had to stop and think hard about how to do them before she showed me her way!!!

  2. Good for you!!!! Nothign will stop you now!

  3. Congrats on your split chain success! You are so ambitious - I have great intentions but no time for follow-through. Your tatting looks great!

    Beautiful HDT - I need some for my 'collection'. LOL.

  4. Congratulations! Way to go!

    I LOVE that thread - Rainbow Bright by Tatskool. One of my all time faves!
    Fox : )

  5. Wow, your split chain looks brill, will have to try that method, cos split chains are HARD!
    The heart is going to be divine, the diff size threads are working ok.

  6. Congrats on conquering the split chain. My hat is off to you. I avoid them.
    I didn't notice the different thread sizes until you pointed them out. Looks great. Can't wait to it finished.

  7. Congrats on conquering the split chain. My hat is off to you. I avoid them.
    I didn't notice the different thread sizes until you pointed them out. Looks great. Can't wait to see it finished.

  8. Good for you! I haven't mastered the split ring or the split chain... honestly, I really haven't tried since the day Tattycat sat and patiently showed me the way. Call me chicken! Your work is lovely!

  9. Yet another congrats on the split chain! Isn't the feeling of accomplishment great? The only other time in my tatting lifetime I felt that was when I was able to conquer clunies. Loving the heart so far! You just HAVE to share the pattern with the rest of the class once you've settled on the finished piece.

    Oh, and thanks so much for the nice comment about my stitch piece. The pic set up was completely unintentional! I took a second look at it after reading your comment. I guess I did something right! :)

  10. Such an accomplishment! Nicely done, too! Congratulations! Way to go! Pat yourself on the back for me! Woo Hoo! Enough adulations?


    Hmmm...let me think of some more.... nope, I'm done, but I hope you continue with your fabulous tatting successes!
