
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Tatting Leprechaun for ME? SQUEEEEEEEE!

Introducing Ciarrán!

Today's post preempts Tatting Tea Tuesday to bring you news of an unexpected surprise I received in the mail.

Neighborhood News: Begorrah! It's a Leprechaun
By U. Know Who For the News & Messenger

Two weeks ago, high-pitched squeals could be heard emanating from a local residence, according to authorities who were called in to investigate the disturbance.

The gleeful noise caught the attention of several residents, the home owner's two wily hounds and several small dogs around the neighborhood.

"It was like little barking bombs were going off all over the place, " said one neighbor.

"The last time we had anywhere this much commotion was when that Wendlend girl got a car with a big, red bow on it," said an onlooker.

Receiving a package is always cause for celebration at Silly Hat Central. And this time of year parcels have been known to arrive semi-regularly.

But the contents of this package — from Tatskool — was like hitting the jack pot o' gold! In it was my latest order of HDT plus a tantalizing, silver-wrapped gift that gave off a barely perceptible hiccup.

A hiccup?

As the parcel made the trip from Ireland, I immediately tore open the wrapping to find...

Ciarrán, latest in a series of emissaries from the Emerald Isle!

Ciarrán at teatime with new pals. 

"Where's the loo?"  he said as he sprang out of the wrapping.

Startled, I showed him to the powder room.

Later I found a crumpled up label inside the mailing envelope. I swear it hadn't been there when I first pulled out the contents. But there it was. And it said, "Not to be opened until Christmas."

It seems Ciarrán, the clever lep, had devised an escape plan during his voyage.

In addition to the boatload of HDT I had ordered, Ciarrán arrived with a skein of Vanilla Sky draped over his shoulder, an Irish coin in his grasp and a twinkle in his eye.

It didn't take long for him to make  himself at home. When he spied my crèche he leaped onto the back of a wise man's camel with an exuberant, "chugainn, ar aghaidh linn!" (Gaelic for Let's go!) and rode it into the kitchen!

Ciarrán riding bareback

Hand-picked out of seven applicants by Fergeal, Tatskool's assistant, Ciarrán will supervise my tatting travails and no doubt lead many roguish adventures.

Welcome Ciarrán! I am so excited to have you come live with me!
Now, it would not be an exaggeration to say I have been walking on air since his arrival.

You see, back in July when I first discovered Tatskool's blog and saw Fergeal, I thought, 'what a darling, wee doll.' And then wished for a blog mascot of my own.

Thank goodness I soon realized my ignorant error. Fergeal is no trifling sprite — he's the elfin head of a far-flung family!

From Oisin, the lep' who lives with Tattycat, I learned that Tatskool has been making and giving hand-stitched leprechauns to a few lucky recipients each year.

Her wayward progeny gather as they can to feast, celebrate and cause mischief; often during Tat Days. Reading that, my fascination grew into secret longing.

But life goes on and I reconciled myself to being a happy lurker on It's a Leprechaun's Life. Delightful tales of leprechaun antics dispelled any residual wistful feelings I may have had.

After reading about the trio of artful pranksters (Danny, Fergeal and Finian) who met at Palmetto Tat Days this past September, I determined to attend the 2010 Palmetto Tat Days to witness the faerie funny business firsthand.

And now I can take Ciarrán to meet up with his bretheren!


  1. awwww how neat! Congrats on your new addition. I have been secretly wanting one too ;)

  2. Oh my how he twinkles, quite the little star!
    Lovely post. I had never worried that they might need the loo before! must make sure that they don't drink before they travel in future!!
    Hope you have many happy adventures Ciarran.....just watch out for the Sprout!

  3. Congratulations! Be forewarned... Killian gives me a difficult time if I spend too much time away from tatting. He's quite unhappy with all the crocheting I've been doing for the past couple of weeks!

  4. Welcome to the newest Lep in the US!

  5. How wonderful you have received a Leprechaun!! His name is wonderful, Ciarrán. I think you will enjoy having him around to help you with your tatting. My Leprechaun William says HELLO!!

    I wanted to thank you for the lovely card you sent. It looks like you spent a lot of time making the card!! I appreciate your kind words!!

    Happy Holidays!!

  6. Oh! Yeah, another Lep lands in America! Wowza! I can't imagine being cooped up in a package all the way from the Emerald Isle. No wonder he needed to be let out immediately. Desperate li'l guy! Congrats on your Lep dream come true! I wish... LOL! Don't we all, though!

  7. Ciarrán look like a fabulous lep to have around the house! Congratulations on your wonderful new gift! I hope you and he enjoy each other and I am looking forward to your many tatting adventures together.

  8. Welcome Ciarrán! Enjoy your first Christmas here in the US and I look forward to reading about your adventures!

  9. What???? Ambitatterous and Ciarrán plan to attend Palmetto Tat Days 2010 in Toccoa, Georgia?!?!?!?!
    How exciting, another Lep reunion!!!
    Certainly an event to await anxiously.
    We need to save August 27-28, 2010, on our calendars, and keep checking for more info.
    Soon, Ciarrán, soon.

  10. Congratulations on the new family addition! And you thought you had your hands full before! Let's just hope the Sprout doesn't give Ciarran a dip in your tea cup!

  11. Hi there! I just came back over to wish you a very Merry Christmas and share a link to a lovely photo of painting of a tea kettle and tatting shuttle that I thought you might like! Click here to go there!
    Merry Christmas and (((Hugs)))!
    ~TattingChic ♥

  12. Thank you for all the wonderful comments welcoming Ciarrán! After seeing one, it is hard NOT to want to have one come live with you.

    Carol, so glad you enjoyed your card. I cannot tell a lie, I did not make it. I purchased it from Etsy. Here is a link to the seller's shop:

    FYI, she sells the cards individually as well as custom orders. Right now she only has her gift basket in the shop.

    Tattrldy, you are SO right that now I will have my hands full even more than before. The Sprout and Ciarrán are swashbuckling pirate mates on the high seas, mighty dragon slayers, and are even Padawan learners, training to be Jedi Knights! Ciarrán says light sabers are great for defending stashes of gold (not that I've spied his...)

    TattingChic, thanks for the great link to the lovely photo of a tea & tatting style painting! It's grand.
