
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No Rose Without a Thorn UPDATE

Rose Doodle by Mary Konior

This past Saturday Tat Land lost a treasured rose. Mary Konior passed away from Alzheimers. So today's post begins with a quiet moment of reflection.

Mary, rest in peace and tat with the angels.

I never met Mary, but own two of her tatting books and refer to them often for inspiration. The volume of responses to the news of her passing shows how well loved and respected Mary was.

Today I settle in with a steaming cup of Pomegranate Rose tea and tat the rose doodle from Mary's wonderful book, Tatting with Visual Patterns. All the while thanking the powers that be for her time spent among us and the vast talent she shared.

After that I will start Queen of Hearts from the same book. While Yarnplayer's Roses is an obvious and lovely HDT choice, I have been saving Tatskool's Chocolate Raspberry for a special heart motif and this one feels just right. Photos will be posted as soon as I complete them.

I leave you with a beautiful song by Francoise Hardy, Mon Amie La Rose. Lovely, lovely song.

And the sensual and moving remake by Natacha Atlas. It is a song I choreographed a veil dance to several years ago and dedicated to my older sister who died from complications related to end-stage Multiple Sclerosis. Lovely, lovely song.

Natacha Atlas - Mon amie la rose
Uploaded by bernie-noel. - Explore more music videos.

If you would like to see the belly dance, let me know and I will ask Big Daddy to format the video for upload.

UPDATE: WED January 20: Rose doodle uploaded. I left the tails visible to show that I padded the stem. It looks good without padding too, I just wanted to try it to see. That said, I have never finished off padded tatting before. How is it done?

Should I just give the padding threads an extra snug, snip them close and cross my fingers that the ends won't show? Your comments and suggestions are welcome!

And with that, I leave you to your tea and tatting.  Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful.

See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!


  1. That was a lovely post, we all lost someone special in Mary.

    Do we want to see your belly dance video..of course we do.

  2. I knew I was opening Pandora's Box...

  3. Very nice post. Yes, please. Thank you, from a tatter with MS.

  4. Count me as another one who wants to see! The rose is beautiful and a lovely tribute to Mary.

    Thanks for the nice comment about my heart. I don't know if you went back, but the Queen of Hearts was tatted with Olympus 40 thread and measures 2-7/8".

  5. A very lovely post and rose. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Thank you, all, for your wonderful comments!

    I have been looking for the "Mon Amie La Rose" belly dance video clip and sadly, must concede defeat. I called my teacher and asked her to check her recital tapes/DVDs and she went through 10 years worth! No luck. So I must presume I performed it at another troupe's show and didn't get a tape of the performance.
    BOO HOO!

    But I have another video clip I can share, if you still want to see. All standard disclaimers apply, LOL!

    And if I do unearth a copy of the Mon Amie La Rose performance, I will certainly share it with you all.

  7. Mary's passing is very sad, indeed! She had a lovely talent for tatting and designing tatting patterns and we are so fortunate to have had a chance to share in her talent by tatting her lovely designs. The rose motif you tatted is lovely. :)

  8. I agree with all the above. Lovely post about Mary and I love the Rose.
