
Sunday, February 7, 2010

100th Post "Quirky Fact" Tell All

In homage to Sports Widows Everywhere
First, a philosophical question:  Can you call yourself a sports widow if your spouse doesn't watch sports?

Here at Silly Hat Central, I'm the big sports fan of the house. That said, I only watch Steeler football, Penguins hockey and DCI World Championships* when I can find them on TV.

(I'm a total pushover for the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet too.)

With my 100th post falling on Super Bowl Sunday, I thought a quirky fact tell all might be fun to share!

*Some would argue that marching band competitions don't count. They never marched in a competitive music corps.

So without further adieu, I present . . . [drumroll]

This article was originally posted on Sunday, February 3, 2008 on A Parently Speaking.

The Super Bowl and Snapple Cap Comments
Congratulations to Eli Manning and the New York Giants for winning Super Bowl XLII.

Today's Big Game was a good one. Neither the Giants or the Patriots are my favorite team, but I appreciate a hard-played sporting event. And who doesn't love rooting for the underdog?

Every year at this time I think about the Super Bowl counting system. When those roman numerals flash across the TV screen it's as if the NFL is screaming out how old I am.

That's right. That big, splashy logo is a neon sign of my age.

Does that make me as old as the Super Bowl? Well, yes and no.

A quick check of Super Bowl history casts doubt on a seemingly simple comparison:

Fact #1: I was born in July, 1965.
Fact #2: The first Super Bowl was played in January, 1967.

So, I'm not really as old as the Super Bowl. I was born 18 months before the first Super Bowl was played. But because of the way birthdays are counted and the month of the year during which The Big Game is held, I get to lay claim to being the same age as the Super Bowl.

It's an amusing little enigma. Just like me.

I used to pull out this bit o' trivia at cocktail parties. But let's face it, I haven't been to a social function in over a year and half. New moms don't often see the light of day, let alone sip drinks and make witty conversation. That's why we're called Stay-At-Home moms, isn't it?

Actually I think it's kind of cool being able to stay at home. (This from the career woman who swore she'd go back to work. Talk about life being stranger than fiction.)

And saying I'm as old as the Super Bowl is remarkable, if not entirely accurate. So, if I end up with Alzheimers, my family, friends and caregivers will have an easy way to remember how old I am.

Or maybe dropping my enigmatic factoid at a cocktail party of their own.

Got a quirky little fact that's your claim to fame?
Leave me a comment and tell me about it.

I'll post a "Most Likely to Make It Onto a Snapple Cap" list, complete with roman numerals if you really want me to.

Come on. You know you're Snapple-cap-worthy!


  1. By my calculations from this blog you are about 18 months younger than me (just a bit more trivia for you.....)

    Now for a slight segue - What is 'tatting tuesday' that your blog frequently mentions?

  2. Vanessa, does that mean you were born the same month as the first Super Bowl Game? If so, we can share the same claim to fame. LOL!

    Tatting Tea Tuesday is a fun little weekly virtual "communi-tea" tat that I started in June 2009. Here is a link to the rules:

    I invite you to come join in the fun!

  3. What the heck is a "super bowl"? Something to put popcorn - a lot of it?

    Or a bad haircut?

    Or a really good strike, when all the pins go down and the ball doesn't go in the gutter?

    Or a humongous intestine pronounced with a peculiar accent?

    Never watch it!
    Fox : ))

  4. Funny post about the Super Bowl and enjoyed reading that you like the Steelers. Fortunately for me, my DH is not a sports 'nut'. We have an interest in the games but we don't live our lives around them - just car cruises! One of our contemporaries and 'local hometown guy', Joe Namath, played in Super Bowl III (1969 - NY Jets). That's how old WE are!!!

    I expected a snow survival report from you! Apparently you're doing okay! We in Pittsburgh got 'hit' this time with 21", and it's not fun. Fortunately we're retired and don't HAVE to get out, but we can't even budge the snow in our driveway. The main roads are cleared but we can't get to them!

  5. Fox, you sly gal! I had a hearty chuckle over your delightful comment. Canadian humor is fantastic!

    Kathy, I most certainly can and will post a snow survival report, complete with pictures!

    Stay warm in Pittsburgh! More snow is on the way!
