
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow-Smacked, the Sick-quel

Panoramic view of our neighborhood street
(as seen from our front door)

Or how Silly Hat Central was laid low by stomach flu.

Gastroenteritis is going around my little corner of Tat Land. When my neighbors complained about it raging through their homes almost two weeks ago I thought, "Knock on wood, it passed us by." But I was wrong.

Big Daddy shoveling the driveway

This past Friday and Saturday my little corner of Tat Land also got walloped with record snowfall. No worries! Silly Hat Central was well-provisioned and ready. Friday night The Sprout started vomiting at 1:00 a.m. and had the accompanying diarrhea. It wasn't pretty but Doctor's Mom and Dad handled it.

Last night at 2:00 a.m. Dr. Dad repeated the Sprout's command performance and has been down for the past two days. The Sprout is feeling better but still has a touchy tummy.

I am relieved to report that I feel fit as a fiddle today. Hurray!  Thank you for all your get-well wishes!

Big Daddy shoveling the driveway
(as seen from our front door)

The weatherman is calling for anywhere from 8 to 14 inches of snow to fall today through Wednesday.

What started out as the perfect snow-in, is turning out to be a gastro-ordeal for the men.

Tatting Tea Tuesday
On a brighter note, I saw this lovely blog post today on the topic of Tea on Tuesday. Christine does include tatting in one of her photos. I wonder if we could get her started tatting, so she could join in the TTT fun?

And be sure to scroll all the way down so you don't miss the GORGEOUS Bougainvillea photo. If the sight of that doesn't dispel the Snowed-In Blues, nothing will.

As for me, no tatting to show you today.

This stunning heart doily made by Carla over at Chiacchierino della nonna stopped me dead in my tracks. I immediately noticed (thanks to Sharon's superb tutelage in the Design_Tat online course) that the split rings leading down to the bottom trefoil would make a dramatic "X" if tatted in a different color.

And I did see this very comfy-looking yoga ensemble embellished with Mehndi embroidery. The design just screams to be tatted, don't you think?

Well, I'm off to squeeze in a bit of tatting me time before the sick men-folk awake from slumber.

Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful.

See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!


  1. Your neighborhood looks a bit like mine this week - that was some system! Now I just hope that gastro system stays east . . .

    The Bougainvillea photo does make it easier to be snowed in - how beautiful and WARM it looks! At least being snowed in allows for more time to be crafting.

  2. I'm glad the malady passes (excuse the pun) quickly. Keep hydrated! I've not seen that much snow since I was 12.

    Being in the high desert, our snow comes is fairly deep and then just disappears after a couple of days ~ no slush and no mud! Very strange!

    I'm back at the "sheep doily' after a break for Jane's TIA.
    Take care on the slippery surfaces!
    That's how DH ruined his hip!
    XX Bev

  3. Tatskool couldn't get the comment feature to work, so she sent me this note:

    "Phew so glad you are feeling ok. hope the lads are better soon.
    More snow means less going out, more time to tat...right! More time to play with the Sprout too.
    Are you building a snowman, Fergeal wants to know!"

    Thanks Tatskool, Ridgetatter and Cindy (Happy Bluebird)! I was so hoping for loads of tatting time, but so far no luck. (Darn flu bug!)

    February 10 is the Sprout's birthday so we'll be as festive as we can with stomach flu. (Party games, balloons, singing and presents don't involve upset tummies, hurray!) Still not sure if I should let the lads eat birthday cake or not. Will wait to see what the day brings.

  4. Hi!
    Glad your men are doing better. Your neighborhood looks like a fairyland - I don't think I have ever seen snow like that!

    Hope Sprout is up for his birthday celebration tomorrow! We once put off one of our kid's birthdays for a whole month because she was sick the day of and then someone else got sick etc. She was so little at the time, she still doesn't know to this day!

    :) Ann

  5. Hello Isdihara, Great photos, so much snow!! School is cancelled again here today and we have about 7-8 more inches of snow on the ground. This is unbelievable. My kids, a senior and a freshman are both wanting to get back to school. They are bored being housebound. LOL!!

    Glad to hear you all are feeling better! Take Care!!

  6. What a beautiful sight, we expect a heavy snowfall for tomorrow.
    Many thanks for your visit and for having mentioned me in your blog.
    The doilies in Italy are mostly white or ecru, that's why on my blog they are mainly those two colors.
