
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Snowed in Under a Cherry Moon

More snow! New Tea! And a tiny bit of tatting.

Valentine's Day has come and gone but I'm still feeling its rosy glow. So I start Tatting Tea Tuesday by brewing up "a romantic tea of tender warmth."

That's what it says on the package of Cherry Moon Decaf Green Tea I purchased as a Valentine's Day treat.

Disclaimer: I do not profit by promoting the teas I drink while tatting on TTT, but I do enjoy describing them.

This one is a relaxing blend of decaffeinated Sencha green tea and hibiscus, plus some unspecified flavor mix concocted by the Eastern Shore Tea Company. I do not taste cherry, but I do detect a light fruit (orange or apple?) and rosehips flavor. A quick check of the company's web site confirms the blend has hibiscus, rosehips, apple pieces, orange, and cherry flavors. Wow, if only I were as good at wine tasting!

The packaging invites the buyer to share this tea with a special friend. And so I shall.

If you would like to try a sample of Cherry Moon Decaf Green tea, let me know in the comment section below and I will mail you a foil-wrapped tea bag. Be sure to email me privately with your contact info!

Now for the tatting.

An experiment is underway. Here's the hypothesis: Can Lyn Morton's Margaret motif (found in her book, Tatting Patterns, page 81) with its six-petal flower, be tatted as a nine-petal flower and turned into a nine-sided motif?

So far I like the way it is progressing in Tatskool's luscious ChocoRaspberry. The five-petal posies are positively cheerful. And would be even more so if tatted in Springtime colors with green chains.

I did make one more change to Lyn Morton's pattern. I threw off a ring from the connecting chains in order to expand the circumference of the circle, allowing room for nine posies and creating a bit more negative space.

Pardon the messy state of the tatting (unclipped strings and what not). I had hoped to be farther along, but with a pirate birthday party planned for later this week, I'm swamped. Aarrgh!

Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful.

See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!


  1. Good for you, modifying a pattern to suit your needs/desires! I've tried that a few times with no success, but then I didn't think to add extra rings to make a design fit properly. Doesn't that thread make you crave chocolate and fruit? Dangerous, beautiful stuff!

  2. Love the colour!

    I have tried playing around with those patterns as well. I am a bit mystified by some of Lyn Morton's centres. They are pretty, but fiddly!
    Fox : )

  3. That's......just......superb. Now I am craving chocolate...again.
    Love the new blog design.

  4. I think it's turning out very nice. It's going to look great when it's done I'm sure. Love the color!

  5. It's looking good to me! And I forgot it's Tuesday! I think I have something started.

  6. A pirate birthday party?
    Is the sprout celebrating?
    Many happy returns of the day!!!

  7. Your tatting work is very beautiful!

  8. I like the new look - easier on the eyes!
    Fox : ))

  9. The thread is lovely and so is your tatting..I love all pink shades

  10. Lovely colours. And what you've created with it... absolutely gorgeous.
