
Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Giveaway — No Foolin'

For many, April 1st is a day for tomfoolery, pranks and hoaxes. But for tatters it is a day devoted to furthering a lace-making art.

Did you know that April Fools Day is also International Tatting Day?

Many tatters still don't know about our special day. So in the interest of getting the word out far and wide, I am having another giveaway!

Enter for a chance to win this pampering set from New Hands Soaps and Lotions.

Amber Romance Gift Set

NHSL is my twin sister's Etsy shop. In February Igoya prepared a Posh Petals custom set for me to use as a prize. In it was an indulgent combination of chocolate lip balm, champagne and strawberries linen spray and posh petals soap.

As good as that was, this gift set is even better! Amber romance is a warm and mildly aphrodisiac scent with black cherry, creme Anglaise, sandalwood, sensual amber and Egyptian musk.

Included in the prize package is a 6-ounce lotion and two 7.5 ounce bars of long-lasting, handmade soap.

And since we're "partyin' like its our birthday," I'm throwing in a skein of Tatskool's Vanilla Sky hand-dyed thread. Just in time for Easter or Spring tatting projects.


1. Leave a comment on this post. You must leave a valid e-mail address to be eligible for the prize. Comments without valid contact information will not be entered in the drawing.

2. Cut-off date for entries is Wednesday, March 31.

3. Winner will be announced on Thursday, April 1st.

For more chances to win you can
1. post about this giveaway on your blog to qualify for an additional entry.

2. post about this giveaway on Twitter to qualify for an additional entry.

Be sure to add a (2) or (3) to your comment, just like in LadyShuttleMaker's Mondo Monday Giveaways. Kindly include a clickable link or the name of your blog so I may verify your entry. Once verified, you will be added to my giveaway spreadsheet a second or even a third time.

Winner will be chosen via random number generator.

Wanna see my past posts for International Tatting Day?

2009 - International Tatting Day – No Foolin'

2008 - No Foolin' – International Tatting Day

Each year in honor of International Tatting Day I sit down to tat with my fish-shaped shuttle. Over the past two years I have searched in vain for a Celtic fish pattern. If anyone finds one please do forward details or a link.

That said, it would be remiss of me not to point out that Jane Eborall offers many wonderful animal patterns for free, including an impressive goldfish in three sizes, small fishy earrings and even a starfish.

Special thanks to Georgia Seitz for making my beloved fish shuttle and Lady Jane for sharing her limitless creative artistry.

If you're still reading, click on this link to read a lovely poem called The Name of a Fish by Faith Shearin.

Now, let's all spread the word about International Tatting Day!


  1. Hello ,
    I am a follower shima

    Blog about it here

    Tweet about it here


  2. Hii! ENTER ME pls~~
    My Email:

    1. I'm your follower :)
    2. I've link your giveaway to my blog sidebar (
    3. I've post about your blog giveaway in my blog too (

    Hope I'll win~
    Crossing my fingers now^^

  3. I can't believe International Tatting Day will be here so soon! Didn't we just celebrate it? Lovely idea for a give-away!

  4. Hi I will try to enter a comment. Most of the times I do this it doesn't work.
    I like your blog and like to take part in that give away.
    Send you my best whisshes
    Riet The B-engel

  5. You are a marvel for spreading the word about tatting and all things tatting related. Good luck with your giveaway, may you have a 100 thousand entries.

  6. I always hide April 1st! Please enter me into the draw.

  7. I just learned about International Tatter's Day a year or so ago. I think it is a wonderful day to celebrate tatting! (Must admit I celebrate tatting almost everyday of the year.) But do make a special day of it on April 1st.
    Happy tatting to all!

  8. I'm not leaving details as I'm merely commenting...

    I didn't know there was such a thing as International Tatting Day, thanks for spreading the word. I will try to make something special that expands on the skills I've learnt so far in order to celebrate.

  9. I'm doing my magical "pick me" dance.

  10. Oh I like "partyin' like its our birthday", and International Tatting Day is just one more reason too.

    I love celtic tatting, and a fish would work up so nicely in a celtic form. I hope someone sees your request and creates one.

  11. Fantastic! Since I've only recently picked uptatting this will be my first year to celebrate!

  12. i've heard of international tatting day but don't seem to remember it until it's over. i shall consciously remember to tat something on that day... thanks for the reminder.

    what luxurious pampering your giveaway will bring?! have fun.

  13. please enter me in your lovely

  14. Can't wait to celebrate the special day.

    mathbook28 at gmail dot com

  15. Thank you so much for having this giveaway! Please add me for (2) entries.

    I love following your posts, and was please to have a chance at this lovely set. I made sure to post your link to my blog!

    If I had twitter I would have sent out a message, but I don't have one. Please enter me twice into the drawing. Good luck to everyone:-)

    dalemarie75 at gmail dot com

  16. I'm a follower now. I love this giveaway, I can almost smell the soap now. mmmmm.

    2. (you may have to look around a little, I post a lot)

  17. Hi,
    Enter me in your drawing! Love your tatting...very nice.

  18. Love your work - please enter me - hopefully some of your talent will rub off.

    Sharon Ward (WardMom)

  19. What a nice way to celebrate the International Tatting Day!

  20. Sounds very lovely indeed! Fingers crossed!

  21. What a lovely prize! Please enter my name and I will keep my fingers crossed. Only in my mind though, otherwise I wouldn't be able to tat =) My email can be found in my profile. Thanks for such a wonderful offering. Now I am off to read about your previous tatting day posts!

  22. Thanks for the lovely giveaway! I'm posting about your giveaway right away! That'll make me (2)chances.

    Happy Tatting Day!

    munfoong5 (at) yahoo (dot) com
