
Monday, April 12, 2010

A Reason for Lace?

Posing Daylillies' question for open discussion:

Is it possible for tatting to have more relevance for today’s lifestyle?

I, for one, have been asked to defend tatting many times. Daylily makes some good points and raises a good question at the end of her blog post - A Reason for Lace?

Jennifer, who authors the blog My Tatting, posts a lovely photo of the Ring of Tatters demo table from the Harrogate Lace Fair 2010. Some of the creative items on display may surprise and inspire you.

Aside from jewelry, what sort of tatted item is more relevant to today's lifestyle?

Check out this breathtaking tatted wedding snood.

There is no denying the artistry in Tattyhead's Bridal Headband.

Tatting  makes the mag circuit thanks to Elizabeth Zipay, who authors Elizabeth's Lace: Tatted Tales: Unique Lace Jewelry

A needlework sampler is considered to be "old fashioned," but this tatted alphabet sampler, made my mimizuku, is exquisite and would make a timeless piece of framed art.

As often as I have defended tatting, not a single person has walked away convinced. Usually the looks on faces seem to say, "just as I thought, old fashioned."  That makes me sad.


  1. That tatted wedding snood is absolutely gorgeous,as is Tattyhead's Bridal Headband. I think that handmade tatting items are really unique and a one only!!!!!

  2. I tried my hand at tatting again because I wanted some lace for a play dress for my little girl and I just didn't like the manufactured lace which was available. I don't want to make fancy, lacy dresses for her. That's not really my style, or it seems, hers.

    With three girls (and one poor boy who gets drug along), I have spent allot of time in Gymboree, Baby Gap and Justice. So many play clothes for girls are embellished with a little crochet lace on the pocket or around the neck. Fanciful appliques are also common. Why not use tatting? It's strong.

    So that is where I see my tatting going, hand in hand with my sewing and embroidery. I want to put it on clothes which are worn to the grocery store, school, the park. I also want my tatting to become more colorful. I hope very much to blend sewing and tatting more this spring and summer.

    Sorry to ramble on. It's a subject I enjoy thinking about!

    :) Ann

  3. I could list all the "useful" things tatting and other lace can be good for- bookmarks, holiday ornaments, fridge magnets, greeting cards, as well as personal ornementation- many of them were already mentioned in the blog posts you link to. But to me, in the end, its primary purpose is still decorative. Most of my tattings simply sit on tables and look pretty. I, too, often get asked what my tatting is for, or what it's going to be, and get funny looks when I say it's just for pretty, but I don't care. I think it will be a sad world when there's nobody left who appreciates beauty for its own sake.

    I often wonder if other fiber artists get these questions. Do cross-stitchers and embroiderers get asked what their work is "for"? How about quilters? Everyone knows what a quilt is "for", yet many people are now making quilts that are intended to be more decorative than functional. Do they have to answer these questions? Tatting is my only craft, so I don't know if other people get questioned in the same way or not.

    I do think that artists in other media, such as painting or sculpture, don't get their work questioned quite as much. Some ignorant people may question the value of art to society, but they still recognize it as Art. I suspect that fiber arts' traditional association as women's work may have something to do with why they are not valued as much, but that's another rant.

    I also know, as an aspiring professional musician, that it can be really hard to get even people who appreciate your art to understand why they should pay for it!

    I say just keep tatting. Do it in public. Be like Marty and do it at Disneyland. Some people will think you're weird, but some will be interested and maybe want to learn.

  4. Thank you, TypsTatting, Miranda and sewmuchfun4, for your fabulous comments. Insightful stuff!

    Please, keep 'em comin', all!

  5. I have a question. L>) Why does tatting have to be useful at all? Why can't I tat just because I love the feeling of the thread and the thrum of the shuttle traveling back and forth? Just thinking….
    xx BJ

  6. Why does it have to be useful? What about the pleasure received in the making and the beauty of the finished item? Is a painting useful? Is a sculpture useful?

    If it needs to be useful, then I would say it's greatest beneficial use is that it's therapeutic.
