
Friday, May 14, 2010

High Hopes Fizzle

Remember when I posted this photo of Tatskool's Just Daffodils HDT to tat Julie Patterson's Spring bookmark?

Ooh, I love Just Daffodils. It performs to perfection.

My complicated brain demanded that I not settle for a single twine-y, daffodilly vine. No...I had to double the width, maybe tat a clover at the top and bottom to give it a nice finish at each end.

Many times I picked it up and put it down, working a bit here and a bit there as time permitted. So I didn't notice that I had changed gears along the way.  See the glaring green gaffe?

Some posies have a green leaf attached while others have a fourth flower petal. 

Now this lace looks ugly uneven (Ugh. Blech. Phooey.) but not because of the gorgeous thread. I did manage to tat up until the last six inches of green...

Do I start over from scratch or chalk it up as a lace fail and fuhgetaboutit?

I would welcome any suggestions, tips or advice!


  1. Oh Drat, come on folks suggestions, suggestions!

  2. Man! What a bummer! You could try taking off the last 5 flowers and just leaving it a skinny bookmark. Or short edge. Or a piece to go on a card or letter. This way you don't loose all of it. I think it would look good that way. It's way to pretty to just fuhgetaboutit.

  3. Considering how much you love the thread, I'd untat it the same way you tatted it, a bit here and a bit there.

  4. If it were a commercial thread, I would say forget about it. However, since this is a precious, irreplaceable HDT, and one that you particularly love, I'm with Gina. Only instead of picking it out stitch by stitch, I would say unwind the shuttles, reopen the rings, and just pull the core thread through. You'll have to be very careful about not tangling, but you can do it. Probably easier to do when the Sprout is in bed.

  5. Me, I would NOT untat it. That would make me more upset than I already would be. And I think it ruins the thread for the most part.

    I would, as you say, 'fuhgetaboutit', and just enjoy it for its own particular uniqueness.

    That is why I have a little ladybug box for my, ummm, trasures. Things I have done that cannot be given away, but whose threads I love. I DO look at these things and still admire whatever came out of the shuttle. But that's me.

    You? Do what makes you happy!

    Philosopher Fox : )

  6. i'd leave the "mistakes". don't scrutinise it and it looks prefectly normal to me. i'll complete the second row with some of those "mistakes" included and use it as a bookmark. The colors are gorgeous!

  7. As I see it you have one of two choices. Very carefully retro tat either by undoing each stitch, or has been suggested, unwind the thread and pull the core back through. The other choice is more daring, and that's to look at what you do have and make it into something remarkable. Maybe making a frameable picture of small tatted daffodils with this as a border or something else utterly artistic in which case the unique piece of tatting would be a desirable section of tatting to be relished.

  8. Sharon is absolutely right. Make your work of art into a feature and do not consider it to contain mistakes....just variations on a theme. It looks beautiful to me....but then I am biased!

  9. You very harsh on yourself.

    When I looked at the bookmark I just though 'what a beautiful happy looking bookmark'.

    It surprised me that you were disappointed with it.

    If it upsets you to look at it, then give it to a friend (NB if you never wanter to see it again then you could give it to a stranger......)

  10. I love Daffodils too, they are my favorite flower! Tatskool has another winner with this thread, doesn't she.

    What's to say it isn't artist interpertation and that's the way it should be..... I say finish it as a purposely mismatched petal/leaf combo.

    Cute mouse, did you make him too?

  11. Wow -- thank you to everyone for all your wonderful comments and suggestions! You guys are so great to offer helpful tips!

    I got a much-needed reality check (and ego boost) from you all, and words cannot express my gratitude.

    Sending lots of virtual hugs! And I will post progress reports. This project will not be discarded.

    Thanks to Y-O-U.
