
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Long Overdue: Size 50 HDT from Heather

This was a post-in-progress when Silly Hat Central's router went kaput. 

Does this happen to you?

You carve out a little niche of time to blog, get into a comfortable groove, but don't quite get through everything you wanted to write. You make a note to get that last bit in the next post.

And before you can say "Bob's your Uncle," you are facing a blog backlog.

Backlogs don't sound all that bad. That is, until they get out of control. Ambitatterous has had a blog backlog for months. Despite best efforts to whittle it down, the reserve banks up again all too soon.

This goodie is one that could no longer remain cached.

As a thank you for test-tatting two swan motifs for her book, Afternoon Tatting, Heather, The Tarnished Tatter mailed me these lovely goodies: three skeins of simply gorgeous HDT in size 50, two googly-eyed ceramic "Sammy" shuttles, size 10 HDT bamboo and more!

But I foolishly didn't photograph them right away. Now the shuttles are stashed and not readily accessible, but the threads are.

Isn't Heather the best? She has indefatigable design talent and a generous, giving heart.

"Wine & Roses" Weigela

Here are flowers for Heather from my "Wine and Roses" Weigela bush. (I confess to filching this idea from another tatter's blog. It is such a lovely way to show gratitude and share photos from your garden.)

Weigela, soaked in spray.

And just because the Kodak moment was too good not to share, here is The Sprout playing with the hose in the back yard. You can see the full Weigela bush in all its wild, unkempt glory. But I don't think the bush (as beautiful as it is) is the center of interest.
The Sprout taking aim at his dog Ginger.


  1. LOL! La pauvre Ginger! That is too funny!

    Your flowers are wonderful. Isn't Spring the absolute best?

    I make notes galore about stuff I want to blog about. Not helpful at all, because I lose the notes!

    Absentminded Fox : )

  2. thx for stopping by my blog - the thread winder is one of the Elizabeth's Vintage Notions

    it was a birthday gift from a GF

    always, L.
