
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tatting Tea Tuesday Recap for June 8, 2010

Just got back from my third visit to the Tuesday night stitchin' group's meetup. It was a full house, with 20 ladies assembled, and the convos were light and cheery. Just what I needed! (That and a Tazo® tea drink.)

I took three projects along with me: the Spring bookmark, treble clefs, and a tantalizing sample of size 80 Lizbeth thread in Caribbean.

That's right, size 80 Lizbeth. My latest Handy Hands order included a thread card wound from an approval sample.

Barbara Foster sent me a small sample to try after I confessed skepticism over shorter color spacing. She gave me permission to blog about my impressions.

Sample of Lizbeth size 80, Caribbean

While I haven't done all the test tatting I want to do, my first impression is that this thread is smooth, strong and beautiful. It is less shiny than Majestic and more shiny than Manuela or Flora.

Your mileage may vary, of course, but this thread makes me want to tat more with size 80.

Handy Hands won't receive their first batch of size 80 Lizbeth until the end of July. But this new line exceeds Barbara Foster's expectations and if this sample is representative of all 111 colors, mine too.


  1. Love the colors and the motifs are so cute! :)

  2. The color variation is gorgeous. I've only tried the size 20 and it is smaller than any of the other 20s in my stash. How does the Lizbeth 80 compare to DMC tatting thread in size 80?

  3. Looking good.Can't wait to get my hands on a few inches.

  4. Could your tatting be any more even? Could you make your picots any MORE identical?
    You are truly awesome! This is a most impressive piece of work...size 80, you say. WoW!

    I shall never post my work. I promise...

  5. Thanks for all your wonderful comments!

    God's Kid, I want to combine multiples of these two tiny motifs into either a bookmark or a coaster.

    Eliz (tatknot), can you believe I don't have any DMC 80 in my stash except for vintage threads? It is comparable to vintage DMC 80, if that helps!

    Thank you, Leanna, for your kind compliments. Let me share a secret -- I use a picot gauge when I want my picots to be perfectly even. The best $5.00 I ever spent.

    As for the stitches, tat 15 minutes every day (or at least 3-4 days each week).

    And I really, really hope you WILL post your work. Please, oh please?

  6. wow pretty. I have more than my share of thread especially in size 80 but this new stuff is gorgeous. And your tatting is so perfect.

  7. I tried to follow you back on twitter, but you need to approve me or something.....unless of course you don't want me to follow you :-)

  8. I have a large batch of the size 80 thread already and would love to see the size of the strawberry done in it, but I can't find the pattern. Can you give me hint as to where I could find it? PLEASE!
