
Friday, October 22, 2010

On Chocolate, Movies & a Contest!

One of my favorite chocolate quotes is:

"I could give up
chocolate but
I'm not a quitter

Chocolate & Zucchini
I feel the same about Chocolate & Zucchini. (C&Z)

Though the blog was only created in 2003, I have been a fan of C&Z for what seems like more than 10 years.

C&Z author Clotilde posts a weekly column called Edible Idioms. This clever column speaks to my love of idiomatic expressions.

Today Clotilde posted an Edible Idiom that was new to me: faire son miel de quelque chose. It means to profit from a situation.

In honor of today's edible idiom, let's "make our honey" with a crafty tatting contest!

Image: Simon Howden /

Tatted Chocolate Box Contest
To compete, you will need 1 empty chocolate box.

How you choose to empty it is entirely up to you. ツ

Or, if you're feeling super crafty, make your own box. Here is a link to a commercial site showing several different styles for inspiration. It can be big or small, any shape, whatever suits your fancy.

Please note, however, that hand-made boxes will not get preferential treatment over up-cycled chocolate boxes.

Tasteful entries that make me laugh will get preferential treatment. Please no nudity, zombie apocalypse or chocolate Jesus art.

(Alright, for all you Gleeks, the most tastefully decorated "grilled cheese-us" that includes 50% tatting will get an honorable mention. Apologies to tatters who have never seen the TV show GLEE.)

1. Decorate your chocolate box with tatting. You may also use decorative trims, ribbons, papers, fabrics, flowers, beads, beer labels, etc. But 50% of the decoration must be tatting.

Any theme. (honey, holidays, Elvis, spa day, knots, pets, wine, Jane Austin, shoes, chain mail, passion for tatting...) Let your imagination run wild.

2. Photograph your tatted chocolate box and leave a clickable link to the image, along with your name (screen name) and contact information in the comments of THIS POST. Comments left on other posts will not be considered.

3.  Entries that do not include name and contact information will be disqualified. 

4.  International entries accepted!

5. Deadline to submit your entry is November 30, 2010. Winner to be announced December 7, 2010.

A Honey of a Prize!
Here's what you could win: 25 free balls of Lizbeth thread, in the colors and sizes of your choice.

Yes, I will ship internationally! (Or, if Barbara Foster at Handy Hands agrees, Handy Hands will ship direct to you at my expense. I am still waiting for a return call from Barbara on this point.)

Finally, Chocolate Fantasies
At the risk of veering off into an unrecoverable tangent, let me just add that Clotilde's blog posts (remember Chocolate & Zucchini?) frequently speak straight to my love of food and romance. Take, for example, this post about Quail and Rose Petal Sauce from the movie "Like Water for Chocolate" (1992)

"Like Water for Chocolate" is a perennial favorite at Silly Hat Central. But then, foodie movies have always held a special place in this chic's flick-friendly heart. Consider this foodie flick top 10. I have seen them all (more than once) with the exception of "I Am Love."

So go pop in your favorite foodie movie (or make a date to do so) and think about how you will decorate a box of chocolates.  Remember, 25 free balls of thread are waiting for 1 lucky winner.


  1. Oh, Wow! Fantastic giveaway! Now, where's that box of chocolates...?

  2. Wow, that's a seriously generous prize. I'm putting my thinking cap on... Meanwhile, pop on over to my blog, because I've got a couple of giveaways going too!

  3. Miranda, you are one eagle-eyed lady! I swear that widget was only "live" for about 2.3 seconds, while I tested it.

    So, yes! I am expecting my second child on or around June 02, 2011!

    Please join me in a huge, ear-splitting squeal of glee!

  4. Does it count if it is on my blog?
    Here is the link to my blog page
    It is a whitman Chocolate box of tatted chocolates.

  5. Wow! 25 balls of Lizbeth? You are one generous lady! Okay, I'm looking for a box of chocolates - have to do some thinking on this.

    (Squeeee! Congratulations!)

  6. This sounds like so much fun. I am definitely going to do one.

  7. Oh my, what a wonderful giveaway. I will have to go pull out all my chocolate boxes and start decorating them.

  8. congrats on the tiny tatter in the oven :D

  9. WAAHHH!!! Chocolate has been banned from my diet by the Dr.. Cruel and unusual punishment I claim. But seriously, since I can't bring home a box of chocolates to decorate, could I substitute an empty plastic celery bag?

  10. Congrats on the new baby!! What a delicious give away. HUMMMM How am I going to fit this one in. I have 50 snowflakes to put on 2 tree skirts. That might not have so many now!!lol
    Linda NM

  11. AKTATTER, decorating a celery bag would certainly be acceptable, considering the torment your doctor is inflicting upon you. You poor, chocolate-starved soul! (still chuckling at the idea of a celery bag!)

  12. Oh!!! I MUST buy a chocolate box now! LOL Really cute contest.

    I also love "Like Water for Hot Chocolate". I think I'll follow the Chocolate and Zucchini blog. Anything that has chocolate in a tittle must be good. :-)

  13. Thats no fair, I don't do celery...ROFLOL I only do homemade chocolate.

  14. Ahhh Congrats on the little tatter to be :)

    WoW what a prize,,,something I could really use. I'm gonna have to put on a thinking cap myself and see if I can find an empty chocolate box somewhere.

    Thank you in advance for such an awesome contest and again Congrats!

  15. Thanks for such a generous contest! I want to take part!

    Not watching Glee, I can't try for grilled cheese anything - but I appreciate a lot all the foodie links you posted, films and blog! They are really great :)

    Here is my decorated box:

    I hope you like it!

  16. Yavamoni, your decorated chocolate box is beautiful! Great job on a terrific entry.

  17. My chocolate box is now complete. Have posted it on my blog Say you like it this best?!

    I had loads of fun doing this. Thanks, IsDihara.

  18. I didn't think I'd get to tat this one, but a little box and a little spare time let me give it a try.
    I did read the instructions about where to post, but being in a hurry I commented where it said THIS POST, neglecting to actually click on the link... Good thing I went back to make sure I had linked back to the original post.

  19. I decided to enter because this contest is a lot of creative fun with a very generous prize to go with it as well. My link is
    My email is there on my blog.

  20. Sorry to be last minute but I had some technical problems with my computer. My pictures are at:
    I can be contacted at victatsatgmaildotcom. Thanks this was alot of fun!

  21. oops, I left a comment on the other post instead of on this one which you clearly said is the one to comment on! Here's the link to my last-minute entry:

    Thanks again for a really fun contest.
