
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sewmuch ♥ from Postie

Thursday you were all tortured treated to another knot-tea song lyric. But you haven't seen the tatting press and matching bag that Sewmuchfun4 sent me.

It is gloriously, fabulously and oh-so perfectly purple!

Needless to say, I love, love, LOVE it!

Thank you so, so much for this lovely handmade gift. I will treasure it always and use it often.

What? Leps, you say?

Why yes, indeed, Silly Hat Central is pleased to have two wee guests visiting. Of course, when I pulled out the camera they "lept" right in for some face time.

Here you see Fergal showing Ciarrán his skateboard (before he had even tucked away his travel case) and Miss Scarlett giving him a letter from home.

Greetings were warm and welcoming, and I am so pleased that Ciarrán did not forget his manners. It does not appear that rivalry over Blathnaid will be an issue. Here he is welcoming Fergal with a handshake.

Fergal and Ciarrán

Miss Scarlet and Ciarrán

Perhaps having a lovely brunette around has distracted the lad from his unrequited courtship?

Of course, Miss Scarlet has been the modicum of propriety and grace. And it is such a delight to have a proper lady in the house.

Ciarrán is totally stoked to host Fergal and Miss Scarlet and has been begging Fergal for board time. He loves showing off for them, but has taken a tumble (slam) or two as he learns to ollie and kickturn.

Ciarrán insists on Fergal and Miss Scarlet staying through the (US) Thanksgiving holidays. So we'll find out if Fergal and Miss Scarlet like roast turkey with all the trimmings.


  1. No, no, NO. When will you guys EVER learn that MY tatting press is the very, very best in all respects! Back off tatters all and learn this lesson. MINE IS THE BEST.
    Jane with tongue firmly in cheek but LOVING her press.

  2. No NOT listen to Jane. Mine is the best by far!

    Sorry. But the truth will out.

    That purple one is very, very tasty, however! Enjoy it!

    What fun to see what the Leps are up to. Maebh is eager to know about the turkey festivities. She is a vegetarian these days but loves a good fill Dublin coddle from time to time.
    Fox : )

  3. I'll not enter the press fray! LOL
    Donnacha an I are very happy to know where the cousin and the proper traveling companion have landed for the holiday. We had been concerned as to where they had been traveling since leaving sunny New Mexico.
    The lavender looks very lovely, indeed.


  4. Hi IsDihara!
    Glad you are liking the press! I get such a kick out of everyone's lep pictures - they have such personalities! I don't think there can be any question that they will like turkey. You had better guard it well so it makes it to the table without being nibbled on!
    :) Ann

  5. Great to see that they are enjoying/behaving themselves.
    They all look so happy.
