
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Get Thee Gone, Pernicious Bug

Silly Hat Central has fallen prey to a pernicious bug. The good news is that it is not necrotizing filitis, the thread-eating bacteria.

This viral scourge has spawned three sets of double ear infections, an abominable amount of mucus/phlem and now, two cases of pink eye. Oh the humanity!

Needless to say, Silly Hat Central is under quarantine while we fight the good fight.

I leave you with a much happier tatting day, December 29, 2009, when Sw4nkyL4c3r and I met for tea and tatting. Enjoy!

Set the WABAC Machine

Can anyone suggest a good chick flick? I am not limited to preschooler viewing options, as Big Daddy is home with pink eye too and the DVD player is at the ready.


  1. Pride and Prejudice - the Colin Firth version. Very, very good.

    Hope things are better soon!

  2. Sorry you guys have been sick - hope you put that bug in its place soon!

    movies... Knight and Day, The Proposal, Groundhog Day, Guarding Tess, Dan in Real Life, Foul Play... that's just a smattering of some movies I like... I'll probably be back because I like lists...

    :) Ann

  3. I'm so sorry there is so much sickness in your family. Chick Flick? It's an oldie but I still love it. The Cutting Edge and sorry, don't remember the names of the stars. A hockey player and champion (almost) ice skater.....very cute.

  4. Hmmm...I really liked "It's Complicated" and "The Blind Side," but they're recent. If you want an oldie, let me recommend "His Girl Friday" - Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell! If you like funny movies, too, I can recommend "Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?" for the take-off on the advertising business.

    I liked "Must Love Dogs," too!

  5. Oh, I hope everyone gets to feeling better soon! What a time to all be sick. I guess the family that's sick together, sticks together? I'll shut up now.

    I just watched a good movie, it's been out awhile but I liked it. It's "The Lake House" with Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock. A romance with a bit of a twist.

    You left me a comment that you didn't think you'd done much this year - really? I always read your blog because you have such neat ideas and are such a fun read. And to share some TTT, of course! And one of these years I want to go to a tat days somewhere! You are so fortunate that you got to go!

    Sending hugs and warm thoughts your way.
    Happy New Year!
