
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Unpick, Retro Tat or Tonk?

Beverly Elrod, BellaOnline's Tatting Editor, has proposed adding a new word to the tatting lexicon.

It wasn't so long ago that I picked up the term "retro tat" from other clever bloggers.

Retro tat refers to picking out stitches (or knots). Beverly's proposed new word – tonking – refers to the same thing.

(Click on the link for her full explanation.)

Do we need a new word? Maybe so or maybe not.

My humble opinion is that there is room for a new word in the tatting lexicon. Word diversity gives language rich dimension.

And it is always nice to know what a person means, isn't it?

So I am spreading the word about Beverly's new word.

Take the poll at the top of the blog and vote for your favorite!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Busy, Balmy and Beautiful

It is a balmy and bustling day on the tiny tract of terra firma that Ambitatterous annexes in Tat Land.

For springtime, it is a veritable heat wave. Mid 80's! But the breeze is just right to take tatting outdoors while The Sprout plays in the car.

This week for Tatting Tea Tuesday, I must catch up on a few weeks worth of test tatting that I have had up my sleeve. And break out the iced tea pitcher!

Not long ago (when the days were gray, drizzly and we all were searching for signs of Spring) our beloved Tatskool was locked away in her dying shed, feverishly perfecting a combination of yellows, oranges and greens to infuse our dreary doldrums with a burst of fresh, daffodilly color. You've seen her post about it in Transitions No. 2 OYG!

Well, I begged for a sample and tatted up this OYG Trial 1 heart sample to add to the Flame Lantana heart I tatted at the end of February. It is my hope that a few more Transitions trials will result in a Transitions Heart Bookmark. (Rainbow Heart Bookmark designed by Betsy Evans.)

Stage 2 of Transitions Heart Bookmark

I couldn't stop there, so another Iris Niebach Heart motif was born. While unblocked, it has six sides and dimpled rings to really show off those gorgeous heart shapes.

Iris Niebach heart motif made using OYG Trial 1

Special thanks to Dale Marie for getting me hooked on this motif. You can visit her blog, Shuttle and Thread, to see the gorgeous doily she made for her mom. I am hoping she receives her International Tatting Day giveaway prize in the mail today!

Eventually I will add a seven-motif doily or perhaps a dresser scarf to my 25 Motif Challenge. Right now I'm having a ball using Iris' heart motif to practice loosening my notoriously tight (death grip) tension.

But if you read through Tatskool's post you will know that the OYG trials resulted in TWO gorgeous new colorways — Daffodil Dell and Just Daffodils.

Here is a sample of Julie Patterson's Spring Bookmark using Just Daffodils for the blossoms and a dark, moss green solid for the stems. Both in size 20.

Tatskool's link (see Transitions No. 2 OYG above) includes a sample made using a lighter green Flora thread.

Her Flora green perfectly compliments Just Daffodils. But I still like the contrast of the darker shade.

My goal is to tat a full seven-to-eight inches, then join a matching length to make a double-width bookmark. My complicated brain demands it. With a tassel tail. *sigh*

This week I did start tatting the first of several entwined hearts for a wedding project on which I have volunteered to assist. But I can't show you. The reveal of these lovely hearts is best left to the primary tatter. I am just a volunteer helper who doesn't wish to steal her thunder.

All this and another Easter has come and gone without me breaking out the Vanilla Sky I have been hoarding all year. *heavy sigh* I do hope Dale Marie enjoys hers!

Thanks for joining me this week for Tatting Tea Tuesday. Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful.

See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!