
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Get Thee Gone, Pernicious Bug

Silly Hat Central has fallen prey to a pernicious bug. The good news is that it is not necrotizing filitis, the thread-eating bacteria.

This viral scourge has spawned three sets of double ear infections, an abominable amount of mucus/phlem and now, two cases of pink eye. Oh the humanity!

Needless to say, Silly Hat Central is under quarantine while we fight the good fight.

I leave you with a much happier tatting day, December 29, 2009, when Sw4nkyL4c3r and I met for tea and tatting. Enjoy!

Set the WABAC Machine

Can anyone suggest a good chick flick? I am not limited to preschooler viewing options, as Big Daddy is home with pink eye too and the DVD player is at the ready.