
Monday, February 21, 2011

ChocoLove Giveaway Winners!

Sorry to keep you all in suspense. My twin sister and her family came to visit and I waited until they had made their goodbyes to pick the four lucky winners.

*drum.roll* Without further adieu...

The four ChocoLove Giveaway WINNERS are...


43 = Quayceetatter

35 = Laura

15 = CrazyMomTats

9 = JB

Each of you have been contacted privately to request your mailing info. If you see your name here and DON'T have a message from me in your inbox (or a comment on your blog) please get in touch with me immediately!

Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who entered and watch for another blog giveaway in honor of International Tatting Day on April 1st!

Jane Eborall posted her ChocoLove Giveaway entry comment while I was choosing the winners and so JUST squeeked in before it was too late.

Since I inadvertently chose the winners BEFORE 12:00 Midnight EST -- thereby closing the contest 12 hours early -- it is only right that Jane gets a prize too.

Jane, what is your favorite color?


  1. I'm a winner - woo-hoo!

    Thank you Isdihara - and TatsKool too - for a lovely and generous giveaway.


  2. Congrats to the winners, enjoy you prizes! And thanks again Is'Dihara!

  3. ahhh, grats you lucky ducks! what a superb prize!!!

  4. Congratulations to the winners! I know they're going to LOVE that thread!

  5. Oooo Jane, you are indeed "Lucky Last"! - what fun.

  6. Thank you so much Isdihara and TatsKool. I'm excited to be one of your winners.

  7. Note to self, enter giveaways at THE LAST minute....

    You didn't hear me say that :-)

  8. Krystledawne, that only works when I screw up! (which has been happening fairly often lately) *big.grins*

  9. Congratulations to all of you lucky winners!!! :) I was sure hoping to try that chocolate with them chilies he he he!!!

    Congrats to ALL!!!!
