
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Traveling Adventure Series?

Gentle tatters, our community is poised to create a new custom.

Two "traveling book adventures" are in progress and a third is in the preparing stages. All in loving tribute to tatting paragons who have gone before, but who are not forgotten.

It all started with Angeline Crichlow.

Through the generous efforts of Fox in Canada, a copy of "Let's Tat" has been "on loan" - whisking its way around the globe from one interested tatter to the next and so on. Three Cheers for Fox and Angeline's Traveling Book Adventure!

[Responding to a request I have received for information on how to acquire books published by Angeline Crichlow (deceased 1997): This is the information I have:

Angeline Crichlow*
order by mail C/O her daughter, Jeani Crichlow Wieck, 4309 SE Flavel Portland OR 97206. Contact IsDihara (me) privately if you would like a phone number.]

Here is a link to my 2009 post "Let's Tat"

Mary Konior*
A year and almost 4 months ago, Tat Land lost another treasured rose in Mary Konior. We all love her patterns and will likely love them for generations to come.

Here is a link to my 2009 post No Rose Without a Thorn

Martha Ess (a great tatter in her own right) has generously launched a second "on loan" traveling book adventure. Yes!  A copy of Mary Konior's "Tatting in Lace" has also begun traveling. Three Cheers for Martha and Mary's Traveling Book Adventure!

So tell me, what do you think of starting a "traveling book adventure" series?

My two cents: it would be a lovely tribute to the tatting paragons who made their own textbooks when none were available, who published so that tatting did not perish, who shared of themselves to keep our gentle art alive.


  1. I agree it would be a wonderful tribute to these ladies who contributed so much to the tatting arts!

  2. A third traveling book adventure in preparation? You intrigue me!

    I think it's a great thing to do with books that are out of print and hard to find. Of course, it would be better not to do it with books that are still in print; if people aren't buying the books, then they will go out of print! But for the books like the two that are currently making the rounds, which are treasurehouses of tatting patterns and information and very difficult to get hold of, this can be a terrific way for more people to be able to see them.

  3. I love the idea. I came to tatting too late to get in on Fox's adventure and was unaware of the other. It is a terrific thing to help newbies such as myself.
