
Friday, May 20, 2011

Uncle, I Say!

Does anyone have any ideas or tips for getting my blog roll to update more frequently?

On a daily basis my blog roll shows items that are at least a day old. When I go to another tatter's blog roll I find several newly updated posts that are not showing on mine.

I am ready to remove this widget because it does not show "real time" updates.


My background has been changing fairly regularly too. Can't seem to find a free background that I like. Am I really that picky?

I really should create my own, but I don't want to take the time away from tatting or my long list of lace guild responsibilities.

Back in the day (2008) I created my own banners and headers for my mommy blog: A Parently Speaking


  1. That's very strange! I just saw your blog listed on my blog roll as posting one hour ago. I'm guessing that I don't have that problem. I don't have any solutions, but I hope you solve it soon!

  2. I have that problem too, as do others. It seems to be a glitch in that particular blog element. When I notice that problem, I usually go to someone else's blog (Gina's is good) that has a fare number of blogs listed. You could see if Google has a solution.

  3. I don't look at my own blog - I check through blogger and update that regularly. Seems to work better.

  4. I had an update for Jane's blog that, when I opened it, wasn't there! The next day, it was! Strange...

    Picky? Not at all, you just like variety - which is the spice of life!

  5. I've had the same problem, too. Don't know why, and have no solution. sorry.

  6. Mine does that too. I have a fake post that I keep in drafts. When I find the blogroll isn't updating, I go to the post, put something silly in and save it. Then I go to my blog and refresh and blogroll. Don't know why that happens though.
