
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Tale of Two Fillings and Fair Results!

Thank you all for your kind and supportive comments about The Sprout's day at the dentist.

The Sprout was so brave! He stayed calm through the laughing gas and the novocain. After his lip and cheek went numb he willingly opened wide and the dentist went in to start drilling.

That's when the hysterics started. When the drill sound came from inside his mouth. He got through it, thanks to the amazing patience and gentle hand of the dentist.

Then it was time for ice cream: a dentist-approved strawberry milkshake to help pass the time while the effects of the novocain wore off.

Later we headed to the County Fair. Here are a few pictures to share with you all.

Sw4nkyL4c3r entered the most fetching Venetian mask, tatted in black with Swarovski crystals and decorated with feathers. I was shocked to see a red ribbon on it! The mask was a shoe-in for the blue, or so I had presumed.

A delicate, ecru tatting bag filled with tatting tools was chosen for the blue ribbon. It is lovelier than my cell phone photo can portray, hearkening back to a style from a bygone era.

And a darling, wee bunny was entered by a new tatter! Hurray, a new tatter!

Prince William County Fair tatters, if you are reading please accept my warmest congratulations and an offer to meet up any Wednesday evening in August or September at the Yarn Cloud for tatting and chatting. The tea is on me!

Why didn't I enter? Because I hadn't completed the doily I started (but only got half-way through)  from 2010. It never entered my mind to enter something else that I had completed. Sometimes I can be such a dim-wit.

Here are a few more photos from the Home Arts competitions.

The crocheted watermelon purse makes me smile! Wouldn't it be a hoot to tat a watermelon purse? How about an ensemble of watermelon-themed accessories?

*crickets chirping* Okay, maybe it's better to stick to chocolate-themed items.

Riding on a kiddie tractor ride with his best friend, Little Man A.

Just look at that face. Those dark, expressive eyes. Is he not a deadly lil' charmer?


  1. He certainly looks like the charmer!

    At our fair, we can enter anything completed in the past 3 years. Only once, but it's a help when I haven't tatted anything current that I still have. I have borrowed stuff back to put in the fair but I don't like to do that very much. I had fun looking at the enlarged fair entries!

  2. Super-Sprout ! Yessss!
    Fox : )

    (He has a great mom!)

  3. He is indeed a handsome lad, and so brave! Way to go, Sprout - even though the drill was louder than a dragon, you acted like a brave knight and vanquished it!

    Rock on, Sir Sprout!

  4. Just wait until he's 16 then you'll be sorry he has those expressive eyes. . .

    Just mom to another.

  5. he is a real charmer, cant believe how big he is getting.
