
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Waiting Room Giveaway Winners!

(Exclaimed in a southern belle voice, accompanied with appropriate mannerisms...) Why, I do declare Tat Land has nimble-fingered, quick-thinking HDT lovers.

Congratulations to the first winner, deft detective Karrieann!

Her comment arrived 62 minutes into the giveaway. Silly me, I thought it would take you all days to figure it out. Can you believe that Karrieann beat out the second runner-up by less than a minute?  Hoo-wee, that's playin' it shrewd and fast!

As I watched the entries come in, though, I wondered...

Did the hint that Shannon_in_Love unknowingly divulged 19 minutes into the giveaway help point any of you in the right direction? Her entry was RED HOT, but missing one key detail. She returned soon after with the correct answer, but not in time to beat Karrieann.

So I'm giving Shannon_in_Love a consolation prize. The second runner-up, Crazy Mom, agreed that she should receive it.

So congratulations to Shannon_in_Love, the second winner!

Shannon, please email me with your mailing address. I will also send you a 50-yard skein of HDT from my stash. 

And THANK YOU to EVERYONE who commented. Your entries made this my most exciting giveaway yet!


  1. yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I beat Sandra! by a mere minute! Okay Okay this was fun, thank you Isdhara! Congratulation also to Shannon_in_Love! I do not have Martha's book, so that did not give it away. I guessed it was the same pattern that I saw Dr. John tatting on while at Tat Days (he was sitting on the floor tatting during wonderful conversations).

  2. the way.. this is Karrieann (I forgot that I am on this account)

  3. Will we get to see the finished item and what was it for sure? Thanks.

  4. Robert, yes, of course! Sorry, I hadn't thought of posting the photo...*smacks.forehead* ...why didn't I think of that?!?

    Check back momentariily and the photo will be uploaded.

  5. A photo of the Sunrise, Sunset bookmark (pattern from Martha Ess' new book, "Playing with Picots") has been uploaded.

    Thanks Robert for keeping me honest!

  6. Congrats folks! Miss Isdihara is a very generous lady, and I know she has some gorgeous HDT in her stash.


  7. Congratulations to the winners, well done

  8. Oh Isdihara! That is pretty! Nice job of it!
