
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Motif 10 - Snow Angel

The final Tatting Tea Tuesday in November dawns grey and overcast with a steaming cuppa (pumpkin spice tea) and wistful sighs over the inevitable end of the turkey leftovers.

(Thanksgiving celebrations in my corner of Tat Land can range from a simple turkey dinner to unrestrained food orgies. The feasting at Silly Hat Central was reasonably controlled. For example, I made four pies for six people and was chided for having a ratio that was less than 1:1.)

On the bright side, I have new tatting to show.

Snow Angel © 2011 Sharren Sarver Morgan

A Pair of Snow Angels - can a choir be far behind?

Motif 10 - Snow Angels
These angels are another inspired creation of Sharren Morgan. Are you amazed to see all the beads? Slowly I am befriending them (beads) and even having a bit of fun.

Tatted in Lizbeth® 40 #163 Blue Ice, these delicate angels wear sparkly halos of size 10 silver-lined crystal seed beads. Their wings and robes are edged in size 11 blue glass seed beads. I also played with adding bugle beads to one angel's empire waist just for fun.

Each angel measures 1.5 inches wide by 2 inches long. (3.8cm by 5.1cm)

This pattern is included on the Palmetto Tat Days 2011 fundraiser pattern CD. Click here for details.

Sharren's method of encapsulating a safety pin yields a charming holiday pin. Mine are pin-less and will be lovely tucked into cards.

Snow Angel © 2011 Sharren Sarver Morgan

One of the things I am learning is that beaded tatting can be a challenge to photograph! These three images were the best of the lot.


  1. They look beautiful! I like the idea of incorporating the safety pin for wearing as a brooch. The beading adds a nice sparkle.

  2. These look fabulous! I need to make some too...

  3. They look wonderful. With me using beads is an on again/off again affair - sometimes I like them, other times I just don't want to take the time to use them. When you find the right technique to photo items with beads, please let me know. (it must be simple and explained in words of one syllable;) )

  4. How very lovely! The bead work is very nice and I love how you've changed the size depending on where they go.

  5. I am curious... Did you have 3 beads on the shuttle thread and one for the bottom one on the ball thread? I have not ever done that, and I like the way it looks. Elizabeth (Jewellery blog) uses this method a lot. Also, that would mean you strung them all at the beginning, correct?
    Fox : )

  6. Fox, you are correct! The blue beads were pre-strung and the crystal "halo" beads were added onto a long picot. The waist level beads were also pre-strung, but the instructions don't call for them, so I unwound both shuttles, added the beads and re-wound the shuttles. With some preplanning they could easily be added at the beginning also.
