
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Snapshots

The tree all ready for Christmas morning.

The Sprout included a Note to Santa with the cookies and carrots for hungry reindeer. You can see he still doesn't take writing too seriously, but he does write his name and wrote "Merry Christmas" on gifts for his teachers.

Grandpa received a gift of Christmas Candy Coal this year, since he told The Sprout he was on both of Santa's lists! (Naughty and Nice) Tricky Grandpa.

The Sprout got a letter from Santa and boy, oh BOY, was he happy to know he made Santa's Nice list!

Decorating a Gingerbread Train was a highlight of the days leading up to Christmas, and here is the little rascal eating candy off the finished train before we even got a photo!

Mommy got a tabletop trebuchet for Christmas and we all have had fun flinging mini-marshmallows, Cookie Crisp cereal, jelly beans and doggie treats around the house. Finding (and eating) the flung bits fell to the two hounds, who took their jobs very seriously.

And a few parting shots of The Sprout being The Sprout...

Cherish the simple things and never stop seeing the humor in life's unreserved moments! Best wishes to all and to all a happy, healthy and joyful New Year!


  1. Looks like a lovely time was had by all.

    And the Sprout is being himself!

  2. He looks like he was having a great christmas,

    I wish you and your family a Very Happy New Year.

  3. Love seeing a happy family at play! I wholeheartedly agree about seeing the humor in life's unreserved moments - it's some of the best memories we make!

    A wonderful, happy, healthy New Year to you and all of your family!

  4. A trebuchet! I want one! I told my husband that he needs to make one for the grandkids - maybe one for outdoors.
    It sounds like you had a great Christmas. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  5. You have a lovely family. Looks like a wonderful day had by all.

    Happy New Year!!
