
Friday, February 17, 2012

Farewell Gina, Forever The Tatting Goddess

The tatting community gathers together today to show how much love and admiration Regina "Gina" Brummett, known online as the Tatting Goddess, inspired in us.

Count me among them.

Though I never had the pleasure of meeting her, Gina's was the first tatting blog I ever read. Without fail it was a must-read. Her creativity, mirth and candor give her posts much energy and love.

My favorite pattern of Gina's is her Gingerbread Boy.  But truth be told, every pattern she so generously shared is on my must-tat list.  (This list goes back to the 1980s.)

It is not a stretch to say that everything Gina tatted and shared on her blog I wanted to tat. Normally I am not a fan of rickrack, but Gina's work combining this trim with tatting won me over. When she posted about poking through antique shops for treasures, finding fine porcelain or tatted handkerchiefs or adorable bud vases, I planned an outing toute suite.

I followed her most recent 25 Motif Challenge with fervent interest.  She deftly brought the tatting patterns from  D.M.C. Tatting  (which can be found in the Antique Pattern Library) to life with her technical skill and facile charm.

Singing Gina's praises is so easy because they are so richly deserved. LadyShuttleMaker (I think?) said it best when she wrote:  Gina "left an indelible mark" on us all.

It feels odd to miss someone who I never met in real life, but that is the way of the tatting community.  Gina was a kindred spirit.

So today we mourn the loss of one of our own: a treasured rose.

During this time of reflection many elegant tatting ladies have demonstrated dignity and grace.  I cannot truly count myself among them. I fall squarely into the "sappy sobber" camp.

But whether you are a "sappy sobber" or decorum is more your cup of tea, I thank you for indulging my tear-stained tribute to a truly great lady. She lives on in our memories, but will be sorely missed.

Thank you, Gina, for being among the first to welcome me into the online tatting community.  
 And thank you, Powers That Be, for her time spent among us and the vast talent she shared.


  1. I totally agree with your beautifully written piece about Gina, I have done one of her patterns in a tribute to her on my blog

  2. This is a wonderful post, beautifully written. I can only read so many tributes at a time, because I am constantly fighting back tears, so count me with you as one of the 'sappy sobbers'. I'm wondering if you saw the video on the funeral home website. You'll need some tissues. This electronic age is truly a miracle.

  3. Gina would have been so honored and touched by your tribute to her. Thank you so much... I miss her so much. Her sister, Linda
