
Tuesday, February 14, 2012


It is with a heavy heart that I share this sad, sad news with Tat Land.

Today I received a call from Barbara Foster of Handy Hands, Inc. She had spoken with the owner of ZigZag Corner and had been informed of the death of one of our beloved tatting bloggers:

Gina the Tatting Goddess

At this time I know very little, except that Tatting Goddess had been battling cancer.

This news comes as quite a shock to me, as I am sure it will to many of you.

As I learn more, I will share it here. Please take a moment or two to pay your silent respects to Gina, who now tats with the angels.

We will miss her so.

Gina's Tatting Blog: Threads of a Tatting Goddess


  1. Oh dear...she was such an inspiration and just so kind with her comments...I will really miss her and her posts!

  2. Oh My Goodness! She has been such a huge source of both inspiration and help to me as a new tatter! She will be so missed. My condolences to her family.

  3. This is such a tragic loss. I think many of us must be in such shock and sadness.

  4. Fox said it all! She will be truly missed! Rest in peace, my friend.

  5. Fox said it well. She will truly be missed. Rest in peace, my friend.

  6. Gina was always so supportive and shared her knowledge generously. I shall miss her wonderful posts, and kind comments on my blog. A sad day.

  7. I am feeling profound shock and sadness over this news, and cannot adequately express my feelings at this time. I had wondered why Gina had not been posting lately, but every now and then she took a 'break' between posts. I find her watercolor painting in her last post to be so poignant now.

    Thank you in advance for any new information.

  8. Oh my goodness, that's a shock. The last I heard, she was in remission, so this seems really sudden. I always remember her blog posts sounding so full of life. Although I never met Gina, I have considered her a good friend for several years. She will be missed.

  9. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family. I've read her blog for awhile, and she was a inspiration.
    RIP GIna

  10. I never meet her but I feel really sad at the loss of a tatting friend in blog land.
    My thought are with the family

  11. She was such a unique person. I've been a loyal reader for years and can't imagine a week going by without her posts.

  12. This is so sad. She will be missed.
