
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Aerlit Shuttle Excitement Builds

Exhaling a huge sigh of relief after reading Jane Eborall's post, titled "Fantastic Shuttle News" --  because I also have been testing the Aerlit shuttle prototypes for Handy Hands.

Imagine me (figuratively, but sometimes literally) sitting on my hands so as not to "spill the beans" about these soon-to-be-released bobbin shuttles.

The one thing I kept saying during testing was that since I had never held one of the original Aero England shuttles in my hands, I couldn't be sure the prototypes were as good as "the real McCoy."

So when Barbara Foster told me that she had sent Jane Eborall a set of the most recent (black plastic) prototypes I waited with bated breath to hear her thoughts.

The news I have been waiting for is here!  Jane compares the latest prototypes with her "real McCoy" Aero England shuttles.  YIPPEE!!!

Now the excitement is starting to become real.  Not just hopeful hype.  And Handy Hands really is planning to sell them in a wide range of colors.

The first color is for the shuttle and the second color is for the bobbin.

NOTE - Because I know how savvy you are, please note that the color names on the images (if you can see them) are only placeholder identifiers.

See why this is getting exciting?  Look at all those pretty colors!  And if these shuttles perform as well as the pinnacles of perfection we all have heard about (and only a few still have the luxury of owning or using), then we should get excited to try them for ourselves.

And Jane is absolutely right, it is high time bobbin shuttle lovers have more color variety at their fingertips.  No more soggy, grey shuttles day-in and day-out.  What exciting times we live in!


  1. Oh, you lucky duck! I know I shall have to have one of each... for my collection, you know! ; )

  2. I am anxiously awaiting trying out one of these! I LOVE the idea :)

  3. This is very exciting! Can’t wait to try one.
    Fox : )

  4. Oh please can we recreate Milward's next

  5. I'm looking forward to seeing them, though I'm not entirely thrilled with the colour choices. I guess I could get a blue one. The black that Jane showed are kinda cool. Will that be a possible choice too?

  6. oh goody, colored bobbin shuttles. I love my pop-a-bobbin, but will have to get me some of these. Yeah!

  7. Lucky you, to be able to try them out before everyone else and to be in on the secret! I like some of those color choices. I always wondered by grey - not a very inspiring color.
