
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Gingerbread Boy Tat-Along

Now that the Halloween candy-fest is past, it is time to scare up some après-ghoul tatting.

Gingerbread Boy Tat-Along
Anyone up for a Gingerbread Boy tat-along? One of the things I have wanted to tat for a long time is our dearly departed Tatting Goddess, Gina Brummett's, Gingerbread Boy.

Gingerbread Boy (click on link to download pattern from Gina Brummet's blog)

While you consider, here is Tatskool's post showing three good-enough-to-jump-out-of-the-oven gingerbread boys:  Gingerbread Boy!

And just so we all remember, in a later post Tatskool shared that one of her tatting lassies found a discrepancy in the pattern.  Read all about it here:  More About the Gingerbread Boy

Jeff Hamilton (Bridge City Tatting) shared his 2009 Gingerbread Boy and it looks FAB (even though he says he made a mistake or two with the pattern) in a solid brown:  Gina's Gingerbread Boy

Miranda (Tatting Fool) shared her Gingerbread Boys earlier this year, shortly after our beloved Gina's death.  Two delicious tatting treats, one with white icing and the other with green.

If you are interested in joining a Gingerbread Boy Tat-Along, leave a note in the comments.  I will make a list and start watching your blog (if you have one).  No worries if you don't have a blog.  You can still join in!  


  1. Would love to but I have a little to much on my plate at this time. Maybe after the first of the year for Valentines Day.

  2. That looks like a great challenge, but right now I've also got a lot of other tatting going on. I've got two weeks to get a lot done, but maybe after that I would be interested. Great idea though. And so timely for the holidays coming up.

  3. sounds like fun, but I have a commission for 12 snowflakes,and the rest of Christmas tatting to get done. but I would love to do this after the 1st of the year. which is when I will finish Jon's Tat-a-Long and participate in Jane's TIAS. sheesh I need more tatting time.

  4. Sure, count me in! He's cute as he can be, and I a nice medium brown (so he'll be well done!) ;-)

    Pattern downloaded to my desktop. When shall we start???

  5. This is such a great idea! I have always been enchanted by this pattern but haven't tatted him yet! I admit I was too intimidated to try!

    Then Tatskool showed the way it looks before the 'icing' is put in (as shown in the link), thanks to a gal in her class named (ironically) Carmel. That made him seem much more 'do-able'.

    It will be interesting to see the different stages of the pattern. I might try to tat along, but can't promise to do so. I wonder what thread everyone will use! Miranda used Lizbeth Mocha Brown Medium - a great color. Of course, Tatskool used her own "Gingerbread" HDT!

  6. Me too! I just finished the Halloween tatting and need to start on Christmas Tatting.
    Linda in NM

  7. I have wanted to tat this cute gingerbread man too, but haven't gotten around to it. I too have lots of tatting needing to get done before Christmas, but I think I will try to fit him in and use him as a gift. :)

  8. I'm in. Already downloaded the pattern and ready to start. Wait, I have to choose the colours and wind my shuttle but I'm ready to go.

  9. OH yes, I started one last week but found the fault in the pattern to late so need to start again.

  10. Oooohhh, I'd love to do the Gingerbread boy. It's very cute.
    Now, lets see if I can do the code thingy down here.
