
Monday, December 10, 2012

A Finished Lace Mat

2012 Norma Benporath Lace Mat Tat-Along
Completed December 7, 2012
Tatted by IsDihara

It is done!  My work on Jon Yusoff's Tat-a-long for The Lace Mat by Norma Benporath is complete.   The gradient yellows give the mat a cheerful look, like lacy sunshine!

Update:  I forgot to mention that this lace mat measures 6 3/4 inches (17.145 cm) in diameter.

The threads I used are:
  • Rounds 1 and 2:  Lizbeth®40 Pinapple Parfait #170
  • Round 3:  Lizbeth®40 Honey Drizzle #180
  • Round 4:  Lizbeth®40 Honey Drizzle #180 & Lizbeth®40 Gold #611

Thank you, Jon, for sharing this vintage treasure from "down under" circa 1930s. It has been such a pleasure to participate in the tat-along. 

FYI - a tatting blogger expressed her fear of losing clovers which she had tatted separately while adding them to round four.  That is exactly what I did -- lost clovers.  Twice.  No idea where they have gone, perhaps the same place as missing socks? 

Since they never turned up,  I tatted replacements.  And I made a mistake with them that (to me) stands out glaringly in the photo. But I wonder if anyone else noticed before I sent you looking?

The perfectionist in me wants to cut them off and redo, but if it is really a case of "nobody will know from the 14th row," I won't trouble myself to correct the mistake.


  1. No need to cut. It's gorgeous!

    How big is this? You've done a terrific job...

  2. Well, I don't see anything wrong with it. :o) I think it looks wonderful!

  3. I admire you sticking power, well done for finishing it, no I can't see the mistake, it looks great.

  4. I think it is the Navajo who, when they create their beautiful baskets, woven rugs or pottery with geometric designs, always leave a circle with break in it somewhere, for they say that only the Creator is capable of perfection.

    I love this mindset, for it allows for our human frailty. Of course it is easy for me to pontificate when YOU discover a tatting boo-boo!

    No one will ever see your error - I certainly cannot and the piece is beautiful - especially the colour changes - brilliant! Well done!
    Fox : )

  5. It's really beautiful, and I love the way the color shades.

  6. Erm, well, I wasn't going to say anything, but since you asked... I did happen to notice that several of the clovers were leaning to the side. At first I thought it was a blocking issue, but then I looked closer and noticed the different-sized rings. So if you really want an honest answer as to whether it is noticeable, the answer is unfortunately yes. And I really don't go looking for mistakes in other people's tatting.

    The real question is, how bad do YOU think it is? You made the doily for your own enjoyment. So is the annoyance factor of having to re-do those clovers and work the ends in all over again worth the enjoyment of having a perfect doily to admire? It's completely your decision.

  7. I think it does look like tatted sunshine, glorious! I wouldn't redo and I'm pretty ridiculous about such things, I think it's a stunner!

  8. Definitely stunning! You did a wonderful job, and you don't need to change a bit of it!!

    And during the grey days of winter, we all need a splash of sunshine!

  9. Beautiful. I like the way you've combined the colours.

  10. Beautiful a mat full of sunshine, well done on finishing the beautiful design.

  11. Gyönyörű.. a sárga szin kedvenc... gratulálok

  12. I think it's gorgeous & I love the color gradation. You're right to leave the mistakes well enough alone - I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't pointed it out!
