
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tatting Tea Tuesday - Pink Cocoa & DIY Daleks

Starting off Tatting Tea Tuesday by finishing my second (IMHO adorable) horse on a paperclip.

Ineke Kuiperij's Horse (on a paperclip)
Thread: Lizbeth® 20 Pink Cocoa #166
Tatted by Is'Dihara

Why did I stop so close to the end?  Some sorting out was required.  My threads are facing the wrong way to continue making the second through fourth joins to the paperclip.  If I pressed on I would end up with twisted stitches. 

As for the rest of Tatting Tea Tuesday, it is time to make the Daleks! (With the requisite tea and chocolate covered pretzels, of course.)

Crafty felt Dalek project in progress

I found a tutorial on Craftster for three-inch (7.62 cm) felt Dalek badges and decided that it was a moral imperative to make holiday Dalek ornaments.

Armed with my faithful purple X-acto blade, a steaming cuppa and a tub of treats, I'm ready. 

Tea-for-One in a lovely purple
This is a more color-true photo of the Tea-for-One teapot.  Steeping inside is a yummy mint tea.

Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful. See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!

Monday, December 10, 2012

A Finished Lace Mat

2012 Norma Benporath Lace Mat Tat-Along
Completed December 7, 2012
Tatted by IsDihara

It is done!  My work on Jon Yusoff's Tat-a-long for The Lace Mat by Norma Benporath is complete.   The gradient yellows give the mat a cheerful look, like lacy sunshine!

Update:  I forgot to mention that this lace mat measures 6 3/4 inches (17.145 cm) in diameter.

The threads I used are:
  • Rounds 1 and 2:  Lizbeth®40 Pinapple Parfait #170
  • Round 3:  Lizbeth®40 Honey Drizzle #180
  • Round 4:  Lizbeth®40 Honey Drizzle #180 & Lizbeth®40 Gold #611

Thank you, Jon, for sharing this vintage treasure from "down under" circa 1930s. It has been such a pleasure to participate in the tat-along. 

FYI - a tatting blogger expressed her fear of losing clovers which she had tatted separately while adding them to round four.  That is exactly what I did -- lost clovers.  Twice.  No idea where they have gone, perhaps the same place as missing socks? 

Since they never turned up,  I tatted replacements.  And I made a mistake with them that (to me) stands out glaringly in the photo. But I wonder if anyone else noticed before I sent you looking?

The perfectionist in me wants to cut them off and redo, but if it is really a case of "nobody will know from the 14th row," I won't trouble myself to correct the mistake.