
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Glove Love, Brain Freeze and the Weed

Hurray for Lace-lovin' Librarian Diane's recent post, Tollway Tatters 2013

It includes a photo of fingerless knit gloves to ward off chill when tatting in the colder seasons.

When I saw hers I put on my own pair of "tatting gloves" and said, "Eureka!"

These lavender lace treasures have been around for 6-7 years, staving off chill when I would type at the computer. It never occurred to me to don them for tatting.

Thanks, Diane, for assisting in my first tatting revelation of 2013.  Let's hope it is the first of many revelations to come.

Now go read LLL Diane's post about the Tollway Tatter's first gathering of 2013: Tollway Tatters.

In it you will see a photo of Marilee Rockley tatting Cluny leaves separated by Double Core Single Shuttle Split Rings. Wow.

(I needed a moment to bend my brain around this idea.  It stalled at Cluny....LOL!)

Need an even more mind-bending Cluny challenge?  Read about The Cluny Cross

Brain Freeze
After seeing that incredible cross I experienced a tatting brain freeze.  Talk about an arterial rush! So Cluny leaves intimidate me now more than ever. Deep breaths....

Time to brew a soothing cup of warming tea and contemplate first steps for Cluny success.  Oh, and perhaps tat another Horse on a Paperclip.

Christmas Weed Update
Can you believe the Christmas Weed still lives? Prickly sow thistle (or Mr. Pernicious) now stands a dastardly 24 inches tall (61 cm) and is taunting us with yellow flowers. I need an intervention!


  1. Phew, lot of clunies in that cross! And hanging clunies too. I may need to may them into a new challenge for myself.

  2. I'm wearing my tatting mitts now... so comfy and warm! Marilee is so creative! It's a great joy to spend time with her. She thinks out loud, and I am amazed at the ideas she develops. My brain just doesn't work that way!

  3. CrazyMom, I knitted these using the lace pattern from the book, "Wrap Style," (Interweave Press) called Spiral Shell by Deborah Newton, page 21. The four-round pattern is built upon multiples of 12 stitches.

  4. Those fingerless gloves are such a great idea. My daughter knits, maybe I can get her to make me a pair. I still haven't convinced myself to even try clunies. Maybe when I find a pattern I just have to make!
    Mr. Pernicious is growing like a weed ;-) You do know what comes after flowers, right? Seeds!
