
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Who Won?

Lace Mat Poll Winner Is....(I'm not telling)

If you haven't yet gone to see whose Norma Benporath Lace Mat received top honors in Jon Yusof's poll, what are you waiting for?

Thirty-five tatters submitted their lace mats for peer review and the poll results are posted. All in all, a great experience from start to finish!

Thank you, Jon, for giving us this opportunity to tat a fantastic Australian doily pattern from 1938.

More thank yous to all who participated in the Lace Mat Tat-Along and the Poll.

Finally (and most humbly), thank you to all who so kindly considered my lace mat for their top five votes. It was an exceedingly difficult choice.  All 35 entries were fabulous!

What?  You still haven't gone over to Tat-a-Renda to see who the winner is? OK, okay... the winner is none other than Martha Ess! *applause.applause.applause*

The mats that received the top 5 votes are listed on Tat-a-Renda blog as well. Go see!

A Star Shining in the East
Who out there is tatting Jon's latest offering, a lovely Johar Star?

It has been added to my Must Tat list, but I cannot start it right now.  Gingerbread Boy sits languishing unloved in my tatting corner. He has been thrown over for TIAS. I am certain he will require hours of therapy to recover from the emotional trauma.


  1. Congrats! =D
    I'm just deciding which thread to use for Johar =)I just can't decide... I'll figure it out haha =)

  2. It was very hard to choose my favorite Lace Mat. I don't know how many times I went over and over those lovely doilies trying to make up my mind which ones I liked the best. Each time I chose different ones! I'm not even sure which ones I chose in the end, all were wonderful.
    Poor gingerbread boy! I'm sure you will eventually find some way to sooth his troubled mind :-)
    How is the Sprout? Hope he's doing better.

  3. Too much going on in Tatland, I had to pass the doily challenge, did start on a gingerbread boy, but he has been abandoned along with, well you know what! Just about managing to keep up with the TIAS could not let big sister down, now could I?
