
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Corner to Call My Own

A new (used) chair
Silly Hat Central has a new (used) chair and, before the two hounds get any ideas, I have claimed it for my new tatting corner.  (So there, hounds.)

You see, this is what the hounds did to the previous chair that sat in this corner. Bad dogs!

Julie Beagle on a shredded chair cushion
The new chair is comfy and sits next to a big front window. The heating vent underneath will warm my toes and (so say the hounds) keep my tushy toasty.   

The black floor lamp will most certainly be swapped out for an OttLite® and the side table nook will soon overflow with threads, tools and pattern pages. (Sorry, Bad Piggie.)

A good spot in which to tat while waiting for the season's first snowflakes, don't you think?


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  3. I hope your new chair brings you lots of comfy tatting hours. I have an Ott floor lamp that looks just like a regular furniture style lamp that sits next to my own tatting chair in my living room.

  4. Looks just about perfect, the addition of a nice pile of patterns and pretty threads will make it so!

  5. Oh, very nice! The addition of an Ott Light in my corner has made a big difference. Enjoy your new corner!

  6. You think your chair is safe? SAFE? You have BEAGLES ruling your abode? Really? Poor deluded tatter. The King and Queens of the Black Nose will enjoy the interior world of your tatting throne before the end of twelve is the Honour of the Hound unleashed in the living rooms as it has been for time immemorial. May the Gods take pity on your new upholstery.

  7. Looks and sounds like a nice place to tat. You will probably still have to be firm with the hounds to let them know you really, really mean it when you say this chair is MINE! Paws off! (Good luck with that) ☺

  8. In my own little corner
    In my own little chair
    I can be whatever
    I want to be

    You go girl!

  9. Nice chair, and nice corner. I have had Ott light bulbs in the past and have read some comments. I am not sure I would pay for the Ott brand bulbs going forward. I haven't been as pleased with them as I thought I would.

  10. yes just perfect, lamp and warmth is sooo important, and maybe little music! i guess the dog is keeping that chair :)

  11. I'm sure you'll make it a comfy tatting corner.

  12. It won't be long before they find your lovely chair, All animals are the same they always find the best seat in the house.

  13. Was it just the upholstery that got shredded, or did the frame also get damaged? If the frame is still good, the upholstery can be replaced. I have a good chair, which three different cats preferred to the scratching post and pads, and one of these days I will get it re-upholstered.

  14. What a nice comfy looking chair! My small dog likes to cuddle under a blanket next to me while I tat. The big dog keeps my toes warm.

  15. Hey, can you email me so I can ask a question about your dog :)
