
Friday, January 31, 2014

Holy Smokes!

This post is peppered with wacky, 1960s-era exclamations from the TV series Batman in response to a challenge from a Facebook friend. How many of Robin's campy quips do you remember?*

Holy Encore, did I just win again?

Joe the Egg and Shaky Bacon dressed-up as the Dynamic Duo
Artist - Dan Goodsell
A Watercolor Painting of two characters from "The Imaginary World" of a Cartoonist named Dan Goodsell. He has a comic strip called "Mr. Toast" and these are his two friends, JOE THE EGG and SHAKY BACON. Dan's artwork is a lot of fun. Click the caption to see more of his work.

Holy Triple Feature Twirlz! I am a winner in the Lizbeth® Twirlz® brand thread-naming contest. Three of my color names were chosen.

Please join me in congratulating all of the winners of Lizbeth® Twirlz® size 20 thread. Y'all rock!

Here are the colorways I helped to name.

(Holy) Candy Hearts! #401!
Color winners Dale Ryman & Karen Beary Parent

(Holy) Purpleberry! #402!
Color winners Yolande Harrison & Karen Beary Parent

(Holy) Mermaid Lagoon! #404!
Color winners Carollyn Brown & Karen Beary Parent

Holy Jackpot, Batman!

"I won HOW many balls of free thread? ...No, seriously."

That's what I said when I got the details. Seventy five balls of thread. Holy Give Away!

I have chosen to gift CrazyMom with a dozen balls of free thread since all of her lovely stash, tools, beads, doodads, gifts and goodies burned in the fire that completely razed her home a week ago.

Some is being donated to my local yarn shop so that tatters who "feel the desire but are light in the wallet" can pick from the free thread bin.

I am donating some to the Piedmont Lace Guild of Virginia so that they can continue to teach beginning lace students.

And lastly, I am keeping some for myself.

*  More wacky catchphrases can be found at

One last Batman and Robin bit, which I originally had seen on TattingChic's blog.

Get it right, Robin.  LOL!


  1. Congratulations!!! :) Those colors look so neat!! :)

  2. I was going to comment on the cartoon but yeah, congrats on your win too!

    I am such a craft snob, I hate when people mistake one craft for another. It's not crochet, it's knit. It's not tatting, it's bobbin lace. Etc. :)

  3. You are SO generous.

    And kind.

    Thank you so much!

  4. CrazyMom, the amount in your text message is the updated number. Go by that one. (Don't be confused...your thread gift was upgraded after this post was published.)
