
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Memorial Day Designing

Hellooooo!  May 30th is a holiday weekend in my little corner of Tat Land. A few years ago, I spent some time creatively and ended up with a tatting design doodle.

Let me say up front that designing does not come naturally to me.  I often look to nature or vector graphics or marketing labels or trash or anything I can find to get me started. (Even then I struggle, sweat, curse, cry and give up most of the time.)

Apps called Make-a-Flake and Snowflake Creator are two sources for inspiration. Here is an example of a snowflake I created with an app called Make-a-Flake:

The interesting part for me is whether to attempt tatting designs from the negative spaces or the positive ones? A question for all you accomplished tatting designers:  is it okay to switch back and forth between negative and positive space when you replicate a drawing?  Or should someone like me stick to one or the other?  I would love you hear your thoughts.


  1. No good asking me, IsDihara. I never start from a drawing. I just grab two shuttles and start with a ‘vague idea’ in my head.

  2. Jane, I suspect yours is more a "positive space" process. Your tatting designs ALWAYS put me in the happiest of happy places.

  3. Try both ways and see which suits you best.

  4. I don't count myself as a designer. The thought of designing sends me into a tizzy! Your design is beautiful, but I wouldn't have a clue where to start. I think I'll wait for the directions! ;-)

  5. Interesting design and question 🤔👌
    I am not as accomplished, however, I would go Girst with whatever technique or effect is easy to get the doily into tatting form, preferably in one pass.
    Would love to see you take both approaches - positive and negative - so that we have 2 doilies to admire 💗💞

  6. Interesting and pretty design, I think designs work both ways, sith some positive and negative spaces.

  7. It's funny to read so many say there are not accomplished designers. ;)
    I know I am not accomplished, but have dabbled. I think whatever inspires and works for you is what you should do, whether it be the negative or positive space, or a mix. Whatever is inspiring you at the moment go with it. ;) I believe inspiration is everywhere and in everything, but each person is so different that they will be inspired by something that others are not. ;)

  8. Thanks for all your great comments! This experiment continues...
