
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Makings of a Monk and More

I just had to share this cuteness from Sapling. On Oct. 29, 2014, he gives a presentation in front of his class on a saint, St. Anthony of Padua (1195 - 1231).  (Remember, he's in 2nd grade.)

This photo was taken last evening after I had finished sewing his robe and hood. We are working on "accessorizing" his costume today instead of tatting.

UPDATE: Sapling scored 76 out of 85 points on his Saint Anthony of Padua presentation. That's  89.4%.  His costume earned 5:5 points (pats on back for mom) and he earned 45:50 on his poster.  His oral presentation was rated 26:30.  Well done, Sapling!

Anyone wish to take a stab at a fractured song lyric with me?  I have the tune to the Disney song from Mulan, "I'll Make a Man Out of You," stuck in my about: I'll  Make a Monk Out of You?

Maybe I should stick to Knot-Tea fun.

The Makings of a Monk

Can you believe I finally learned how to make Cluny leaves?  Hanging Clunies too.  This is just a snippet I tatted to empty shuttles in preparation for an experiment -- tatting Pumpkins on a Vine by Heidi Sunday with Clunies.  I hope to have something to show you next week.

Emptying shuttles and playing with Cluny leaves

Our new pet, a sweet little female hedgehog named Miss Elsa Prickles, is growing bigger and cuter by the day. Here she is exploring an empty lemonade container.

Look how cute she is, fresh from her bath.

A clean hedgie is a happy hedgie.

My naughty dog Ginger is contemplating jumping into the hedgehog playpen. She looks like a dangerous predator, either a fox or a jackal, to Elsa.

Naughty Ginger

Life is bustling at Silly Hat Central and I am not getting as much time to tat as I would like, but that's the good thing about tatting, you can pick it up for 5 minutes and put it down.

As for Tatting Tea Tuesday, I am sipping a lovely fig-infused cuppa while I type. I have had Fig-related things on my mind and even e-mailed Yarnplayer to ask if she could dye me a custom colorway. Oooh!  Let's hope she can. 


  1. Great robe, well done in making it
    I still have not done ClunIes something to learn one day.
    Well done on learning how to make them.

  2. your clunies look great it is weird, I was just making them for I project I am working on. Love the robe and the the little farm you got going there:)

  3. That is a great looking monk! Good luck with his presentation.
    I'm looking forward to seeing your Pumpkins on a Vine with clunies; your snippet looks good. I haven't tried anything with them yet, haven't found the inspiration to try them.
    Miss Elsa has quite the play area. Hopefully Ginger and Miss Elsa will one day learn to get along.

  4. Miss Elsa Prickles is adorable! I used to have a hedgehog when I was a little older than Sapling. Still my favorite pet ever. Long live hedgies!
