
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Motif 4: Christmas Berry Wreath

It is finished with 20 minutes to spare before the last day of school let out.  Talk about getting a gift in under the wire!

It started out like this, with weeks to spare (as it usually does).

And here is the finished wreath.

Christmas Berry Wreath © 1997 LaRae Mikulecky

Christmas Berry Wreath © 1997 LaRae Mikulecky   [Title is a click-able link.]
Remember that this pattern is only available through the wonderful Wayback Machine.  I encourage you to grab it, print it out and store it in your Tatting Pattern Library before it no longer can be recovered.

This will count as Motif #4 in my 25 Motif Challenge.  Hurray!


  1. Um done that myself started something and then got back to it to finish at the last minute! It looks lovely and thanks for the link, will sure save the pattern before it disappears.

  2. Very nicely tatted, Miranda left me a comment when I posted this wreath last week that she had done it in white with red berries, I tried green with white berries for a change, I have posted the White one on my blog Christmas Day, with red berries.
    I also agree get the pattern while you can, who knows how long this will be available

  3. Ah, but you did get it done so all is good! :-) I know the feeling. I think I've got plenty of time and suddenly I don't!
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.


  4. I have see this wreath tattted many times, and ech time, I like it more.

  5. The wreath looks gorgeous ! Thanks for sharing the link :-)

  6. I love that wreath. The only thing that bothered me was the feeling that I was wasting red thread--since so much of it is hidden.
    Happy New Year!

    Linda R

  7. StringyDogs, have you considered adding small red beads instead of the Josephine Rings?

    If you add them in as you go (since they are located at joining spots, why not?) you wouldn't even have to pre-string them.

  8. Um, actually now that I look at the pattern again, I think the outer row of "berries" would require pre-strung beads! And they would need to be strung on the thread that is the core thread for your chains...shuttle one (double check that logic)
