
Friday, August 9, 2019

Plum Summer Snowflake

In February 2017 Robin Perfetti posted a bookmark pattern on her blog Tatting by the Bay.  I had been wanting to play with triangles to build a snowflake and her pattern was perfect inspiration.

Gall bladder surgery in December, 2017 and a hernia repair in early 2018 required some time off to heal. Time slipped by (as it does) and before long it was Autumn, then end of year.

In 2019 I rededicated myself to tatting. This snowflake was started as a "triangle-a-day" project to make tatting a part of my daily life again.  It was fun determining the path this work would take to minimize hiding thread ends.

Here is my summer snowflake, tatted in size 20 Lizbeth® #625 Plum.  Thanks to Robin!

She wore white heirloom lace about her throat
And in her hair a bright golden feather
A pearl like a plum hung ripe from her neck
But her smile fetched ten gold together.


  1. Hope your are feeling better love the snowflake!

  2. Thank you, I am so glad you like the snowflake. I feel like a whole new woman after gettng all the surgery business sorted.

  3. Wow, so clever. Glad you’re sorted healthwise and tatting again.

  4. Love it! The triangles make a great snowflake. Glad to see you are back to tatting and hope you are feeling better after the surgeries.

  5. Beautiful snowflake,
    I had a gall bladder operation and then a year latter had to have a hernia operation, they seem to go hand in hand, glad you are feeling better now

  6. Awesome snowflake!!! :)
    Hope to see more tatting in this next year!! :)

  7. God's Kid, I apologize for not posting anything new in 2020 but I am getting back to blogging in 2022. Thank you for your kind words.

  8. CrazyMom! So glad you like it.
